Today I will:
spend time with my Lord
hug my daughter
laugh when she laughs
eat one chocolate chip cookie (who am I kidding? no one can stop at one... well, I can't.)
...eat at LEAST one chocolate chip cookie
talk with Mom on the telephone
visit with some friends
kiss my husband
pet my dog

email my friends
what are you doing today?
I'm thinking I'd rather have your day except for the part about kissing your husband, although I'm sure he's a fine man!
I will:
get up to early
drink to much coffee
go to work
laugh a lot (it gets me through work)
read favorite blogs
eat something unhealthy
enjoy Gods creation and tell Him about it
kiss hubby (mine not yours)
go out to dinner
lay on the couch-watch tv-fall asleep, probably on aformentioned couch..its been a good day.
today...hmmm, its now Friday so I will work a little, read some blogs, go to the post offive, make dinner(country fried steak)kiss MY husband, sing a little, read a little, watch a litte TV, pack for weekend trip to in laws...
Hey, just noticed the turtle pic onyour sidebar...very cool...I collect turtles so they stand out when I see one....did you draw/paint it?
Is that Chauncey?
yes, I drew and painted the turtle. I like to think that I'm a freelance artist --although I'm so busy with our 4-year old that I don't do much art. Hopefully that will change in the next few weeks after we finish the garage conversion --from garage to studio/play room!
not Chauncy. --but an incredible likeness... don't you think?
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