Patrick Joshua is the Director of the National Prayer Network and a father figure to the prayer movement in India. Because of a special burden for our nation, he visited the United States twice in recent months. Patrick believes the U.S. is at a very critical time in history, the impact of which will be felt around the world.
During his visits, Patrick told the story of God's intervention in India in 2004 in response to the fervent, united prayers of His people. At that time, political forces had mobilized with the intention of turning their nation in a direction that would make it almost impossible for Christians to share or practice their faith. Those forces had the momentum and the numbers as the Christian population in India is a minority - by some estimates representing only 6% of the 1.1 billion people in the nation. The situation was desperate. Many thought it was impossible. So they turned to the God of the impossible and began to pray.
In cities and states across their nation, a movement of united, fervent prayer arose but with a unique focus. They weren't praying for particular candidates or political parties. Instead they were praying for the person of righteousness, the person of God's choosing, to be elected in every elected office.
Right up until the day of the election every poll and pundit predicted the election would be a landslide for those who were opposed to the gospel. When the votes were counted, however, the results revealed a different story. In district after district those candidates and political allies who opposed the gospel had been soundly defeated. At a national level they were out of power. Needless to say the press and the pundits were stunned. No one saw it coming.
So what happened? It seems God heard the cries of His people and touched the hearts of the voters as they went into the voting booths. Some believe a corporate conviction came upon the people and they indeed voted for the person of righteousness, the person of God's choosing. This was seen most dramatically in the states and regions where prayer was the most concentrated and fervent. In one of those states, laws that restricted the advance of the gospel were immediately repealed.
While our situation is certainly different, Patrick believes we are at a critical crossroad. He has encouraged us to follow a similar pattern in prayer for our upcoming election. Here's the pattern for prayer as we approach our election.
Prayer Guide for the Election
Begin with Heart Preparation:
Come into God's Presence with Worship.
Thank God for his great mercy and many blessings.
Ask God to extend his mercy to us and to our nation.
Pray for the upcoming election -
For those running for office nationally:
Instead of praying for specific candidates or political parties,
pray that the person of righteousness,
the person of God's choosing,
would be selected in every congressional district,
every senate race and for the office of President.
but sin is a disgrace to any people.
-Proverbs 14:34
For those running for office at the state and local level:
Pray that the person of righteousness,
the person of God's choosing,
would be selected in every elected office
at the state and local levels.
when the wicked rule, the people groan.
Proverbs 29:2
For those voting:
Pray that each person voting will be convicted
to vote for the person of righteousness,
the person of God's choosing, in each elected office
and in each ballot initiative.
Pray for God's Presence to overshadow each person
as they make their decision.
The Spirit of the Lord will be upon him -
the Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and power,
the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord
- and he will delight in the fear of the Lord.
He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes,
or decide by what he hears with his ears.
-Isaiah 11:2-3
For those involved in the election process:
Pray that every official involved
in the election process would serve with
honesty and integrity of heart.
-Proverbs 11:1
For those praying:
Pray that God would empower intercessors
and people across the nation and
around the world to call out to Him
day and night in extraordinary prayer
during this season.
and the inhabitants of Jerusalem
a Spirit of grace and supplication.
-Zechariah 12:10
For the Church:
Pray that the Church would be fully awakened,
engaged and empowered during this critical season.
Pray that we would understand the urgency and
importance of this election and the implications
for the advancement of God's purposes
in our nation and around the world.
-Isaiah 9:7
For our nation:
Pray that God's plans and purposes for our nation
would be established during this election season.
Pray that we would be a nation who follows
God and is a blessing to the nations of the earth.
on earth as it is in heaven.
-Matthew 6:10
If my people, who are called by my name,
will humble themselves and pray and seek my face
and turn from their wicked ways,
then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin
and will heal their land.
II Chronicles 7:14
This election is like no other. There must be prayer behind our votes, not just going and casting a vote. This post is too important not to be read and shared...thank you.
hey! thanks!
There is a feeling, an anxiety with this election like none other for me. It's as if God is telling us..prepare..and then prepare some more. Now, when right is wrong and wrong is right, when anything Christian is pushed aside, we need to pray for God's mercy. Thanks Deb, as always, you are a blessing. (and I'm praying for you and Randy too)
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