She knows everybody. And I mean everybody. So while we waited, we talked with everybody. Then she kept apologizing for talking to everybody! gee whiz! No problem! I was enjoying the much-needed distraction. All her jibber-jabber kept my mind occupied so I didn't have to think about the dreaded adenosine portion of my test!
While she talked she crocheted. In fact I'm not sure which moved faster, her mouth or her crochet hook! (Dawna, you know you love me!) Last week, when she waited with me in the Emergency room, she crocheted this neat little soap scrubbie holder thingy. It holds a bar of bath soap with a drawstring closure - for easy swapping of bars! She gave it to me. I love it.

Today, she crocheted a facecloth. Very similar to the ever-popular crocheted dishcloths, except the facecloth is made with a half-double crochet as opposed to a double crochet, making the stitches a little tighter, causing the surface area to be less nubby, allowing for a softer cloth. (Her explanation, not mine.) And guess what? She gave it to me. I love it.

I was thinking of making an afghan for Olivia's bed, but with work and all the other things I have going on in my life, I'm thinking that I don't have the time. Just how many hospital hours do you think I'll have to put in if I ask Dawna to make it for me while she waits?!?

....the results of the stress test haven't come in, although my cardiologist said that he's predicting they'll be normal and we'll be able to control this whole cardiac problem with medication. I'll let you know as soon as I know!
Thanks for ALL your heartfelt prayers! They were indeed felt by my heart and I'm filled with joy in knowing what wonderful sisters I have in the Lord!
Waiting is no fun but I know the Lord has everything under control!
I love that coverlet for Olivia's bed...Mmmm, I'm thinking that you really don't want to spend that much time in the hospital. Right???
Love you and will keep you in my prayers!!!!
Thank goodness your testing is over; that alone is enough stress. I'm praying the the results are good and treatable with meds.
My test was a piece of cake ... although I was filled with fear until they gave me some nice 'cocktail' to put me in lala land ;) ... everything is normal.
If you were really listening to my jibber jabber, you would realize the facecloths are made in single crochet while the dishcloths are in half-double crochet. Geez. Get it right lady... No matter what life hands us Deb, we have friends and when we are in our darkest hours, God will always be faithful. He sent me you, didn't he. Glad to hear your tests went well Mrs. Mac. Now what was in that lovely cocktail??
You have a wonderful friend in Dawna. She stays with you and then gives you gifts - you just can't beat that!
Mrs. Mac, did I miss something? I didn't know you were undergoing tests, but I'm glad you're ok.
can you send Dawna my way so I can learn to crochet?
still praying!
I found your post while searching for crocheted dishcloths. Our prayers go with you as you wait for the results of your tests. God is watching over you.
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