Last week, with the help of some neighbors, a chimney was erected which houses the stove pipe---up, up past the peak of the roof. Thank the Lord for neighbors who can climb ladders as Brillo Man is unable to do so due to his hip problem. We are blessed with neighbors who are more than willing to lend a hand to help with whatever needs done. God is good. And I am so grateful to Bob and Butch for their help with this project. Not to mention Brillo Man...who has worked so hard to provide this awesome treat for our family.
The stove was purchased for a mere $200 --what a steal! Another blessing. It will save us a lot of money this winter as we will be burning wood instead of propane. Brillo Man has been cutting wood for weeks. A little at a time. He has several piles --not yet stacked --I'm wondering if it will ever get stacked. But it's cut - so it's burnable. It will fit into THE STOVE.
I've decided that we can't talk about THE STOVE without referring to it as THE STOVE. It's a monster. But a warm one! We still have to cut out some more of the carpet --and clean off the ashes which have already accumulated on the front. Then it will look a little better. Right now, THE STOVE is keeping us warm.
And we are blessed.
Now whose job is it going to be to tend this beast?

The fire must be kept burning
on the altar continuously;
it must not go out.
Leviticus 6:13
mmmm, sounds wonderful. we've been sitting around our fireplace all day.
I LOVE the smell of wood buring on a chilly day! I LOVE seeing the smoke rising over the top of the house and hovering all around! I love sitting in front of the warmth and reading a wonderful book. Sigh, I am SO in the mood for it to feel like fall. We're only going to get into the 70's this week but it's still too warm for the fireplace. Drats!
What sweet memories I have seeing that stove. My Grandma and Granddaddy Carter always had a woodburning stove. Fond childhood memories! Think I'll have myself a fire tonight! Praise the Lord for giving neighbors!
Everyone should have...THE STOVE! :-)
yum! I love a wood buring fire ( we have gas logs) bah humbug!
I don't care quite as much for stoves for the very reasons you have mentioned...Someone has to tend to it and there is the mess...guess who it ends up being the cleaner upper??
Deb ... you are fortunate to have THE STOVE ... maybe Connie will come over once in a while to tend it. Trish and sara sound interested too. I live way too far away for a wintertime journey. Snow, really. We still have rain.
sounds wonderful..there was one in our house when we bought it, but we took it out a couple years later to make room for the teenagers...yeah, the kids won the draw...they are still thanking God for THAT one !!! HA!
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