Today, join me in honoring all the men and women who haved served or are serving in our armed forces.
We are proud of your commitment and honored by your sacrifice. I think of Brillo Man and my brother, Rob, both of whom served proudly in the US Army.
But I especially think of my Dad. He served in the Marine Corps and was the most patriotic person I have ever known. He erected a flag pole in our front yard before it was 'fashionable' to do so. Every morning he would raise the flag and every evening he would lower it - always before the sun set.
One day, I came home to see that he had added the USMC flag below the American Flag. So now there were two flapping in the breeze. And I remember how proud he was to fly those flags which represented to him all the good for which America stands.
Ironically, Dad was buried on Veteran's Day. Recently, on November 7th, we marked thirteen years since he has been in heaven. Thirteen years since those flags flew over his earthly home. Seems like only yesterday...yet seems like forever. He was honored at his funeral by a color guard, the playing of taps, and a 21-gun salute. I know he stood at attention in heaven that day as he observed that honor given him.
I miss you Dad.
...it won't be long...'til we'll meet again.
in the twinkling of an eye,
at the last trumpet.
For the trumpet will sound,
and the dead will be raised incorruptible,
and we shall be changed.
-I Corinthians 15:52
Deb, this is a very nice tribute to our Veterans and three whom you personally know. Your dad sounds like my dad (and now hubby too). My dad always has his flag up at sunrise and down just before sunset. Our pole was erected even before our home was finished being built. I posted a war letter home on my blog today from my grandpa.
What a beautiful tribute to your Dad! My Daddy was always a proud WW11 Veteran and at his funeral he also had an Honor guard, a 21 gun salute and taps playing while my Tomer a Viet Nam Vet and my cousin Glenn a career Navy man stood saluting. I miss my Daddy today.
Beautiful tribute. Just beautiful.
What a great tribute to your dad. Our family likewise has a Military Heritage. Most recently is my cousin Kevin who served a tour of duty in Iraq, came home and retired after 20 years in the Army and is back in Iraq as a civilian helping them to rebuild their country. We can trace our family back to the Revolutionary War when my 8 Greats Grandfather Elijah Teague was hung by the Tories as a traitor to the crown of England. His wife Alice is listed in the DAR.
For those of us who have family who serve or have served in the Armed Forces, we know the scarifices that they and their families make all of the time!
God Bless America!
I'm one of the few on this blog who had the pleasure of knowing your dad. He was a wonderful man. When I used to go home with you on weekends during college, I wanted to BE in your family, not just VISIT your family. Very nice tribute. Can't wait till we all meet again!!!
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