
Sunday, October 16, 2005

It's God's Problem

This morning after church, someone asked me about something that I've been praying about for quite some response to her was, "It's God's problem." It's out of my hands. There's nothing I can, or should, do to contribute to the solution. I read a comment in another blog recently: "Control is an illusion." Isn't that the truth? Control - in a Christian's life - is something that should be relinquished to God. He's in charge. He's on the throne - at least that's where He was the last time I checked. And since He never changes ---that means He's still there.

So often, we neglect to surrender people, things, situations, relationships, the Lord. We lay them at His feet --asking Him to take control of the situation and then a few days or even a few hours or minutes later --we've got our heads and our hands right back in the situation. Give it to God. He's the One Who knows exactly what's best. He promises that He will work all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

I have a few issues in my life right now that I'm dealing with ---Today - I gave them all to God. They're now His problems and I'm not going to stress about them anymore!

Go ---Give it to God!....and leave it at His feet!


Anonymous said...

Amen to that. I am praying for a certain mountain to be removed in our lives. I can't even conceptualize how God's going to do it, but I know I can't do it. He is on the throne, so I have given it all to Him.

Jojo said...

Hi Deb,
Thanks so much for what you said on my blog. It really touched my heart.

There is honestly nothing I want more than to share about God in a way that will make a difference for His kingdom. Thank you for the encouragment and most of all for your prayers. I am eternally grateful.

Very good advice here on your post. I will bookmark your blog and will come back again.