As many of you know, we are in the process of converting one of our garage bays into an art studio for me. Since we've been married, I really haven't had any space to paint or create. In fact, many of my art supplies have 'spilled' into our living room and many are still packed in boxes in the garage - where they've been since we moved into this house. I've been wanting a studio space forever and since Olivia will be starting kindergarten next year, I will have some more time to devote to creating!
Randy surprised me with a big tool chest (on wheels!) which I'll be able to fill (in no time at all) with art supplies. Since it's mobile, I'll be able to roll it around wherever I'm painting or whatever. He also bought me a really nice easel - something I've wanted forever! ...and a mat cutter - so I no longer have to pay someone else to mat my art work. And---a scroll saw, a router and a table saw --for woodworking. The scroll saw (when equipped with diamond tipped blades) will also come in handy for cutting glass for my stained glass projects --something else which I hope to get back into when I have a little more time.
All of that --along with some beautiful jewelry, the new WOW worship CD, an audio book by Max Lucado and a new Bible (parallel NASB and The Message). I'm sure I'm forgetting something he gave me....I told him that he spent way too much! On the other hand, it's nice to be spoiled once in awhile!
I'm excited to get my studio finished and of course, will be posting photos when that project is complete.
Okay --Olivia is beckoning me to go play a game with her....
I hope everyone had a great time celebrating our Lord's birth!
Holy smokes..I think you really got a over-flowing, running over with love bunch of gifts!!!
How great...there's going to be no stopping you now! What did you get Brillo man? Could you possible top all that?!! Isn't it great to be that loved?!
Hope your day after is beautiful too!
wonderful!!! (kaymac)
That sounds so cool!
I would love to have time to work on art...
Ah well. I have lots of fun none the less.
Merry Christmas
wow1 you are spoiled! :) what fun! can't wait to see what masterpieces come out of all those tools...
Did someone win the state lotto? Sure a lot of neat loot for your creative side. Looks like you had a blessed Christmas with gifts of love.
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