I had to chuckle to myself when I read an email from my sister this morning, part of which reads, "Ok, I should go rewash a load of laundry that’s been in the washer for days. I’m sure it stinks."
Sorry, Lori - you've been "outed" as a RE-WASHER! My sister will now have friends (because I have it on very good report that at least one of her friends reads my blog ---and NEVER comments, by the way - that friend is a "LURKER" --but I'll deal with that in another post....) Anyway...now my sister will have people looking at her in horror and disbelief whenever they realize that the clothes she is wearing may have sat in a washer for days and then been RE-WASHED probably in a heavy solution of Oxyclean or some other heavy-duty laundry cleaner to attempt to get that familiar mildew smell out of them.
(Wait, did I say, "familiar"? Nah....I could NEVER be a RE-WASHER!)
By the way...in another friend's previous post I read..."When load is complete, within three to four days (my husband) will approach and cram the items into the dryer."
So, dear sister, don't despair. There are indeed other RE-WASHERS out there living in our world. Perhaps you could start a support group....
Okay --gotta go get that load of laundry out of the washer which I put in there last night --quick! - before it mildews and I have to join the group! I've got too much on my plate now --no time for another group...
Re-washer..yes, it has happened on occasion. Sometimes I'll wash a load of clothes late at night and forget about them and go to bed. It's the first thing on my mind when I wake up in the morning..time to re-wash. I don't know if an over-nighter really requires a re-wash, but just to be safe, I run them through again! Laundry is one of the few household chores I actually enjoy doing. Now cleaning the bathroom ~ yuck~ I hate it!!
hello my name is sara. i am a rewasher
hi, my name is becky and i too am a re-washer. i have washed the same load as many as 4 times...
I confess, I am an occasional re-washer. But I didn't inhale. [I knew the clothes needed re-washing before smelling that lovely mildew scent!]
Hi my name is Randy and I wear re-washed clothes, wrinkled. (see earlier blog entry)
lame blog, cut off my name...lol
It's the great woman beside, not the stinky wrinkled clothes which make the man great.
The Horror, The Horror!
Bishop Don Deborah Smooth
Hi my name is Reverend Doctor Randall Silk and I'm a re-washer.
Mack Master Bradley Shmoove
Queen Deborah shizzle silk mama D white chocolate corn bread re-washer schmoove
Queen D Shaka Mini Van Nasa Foam Shizzle Mama Snap
I'm not a Gorilla, I'm a human being!
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