Many of you may disagree, stating that it's tough to get into "the Christmas spirit" without visiting a mall full of hustling, bustling, usually impatient, pushy, grabby, crabby Christmas shoppers, but I find it a veritable nightmare to enter a mall during this time of year.
I for one, am proud to say that I have not set foot in one mall this season. Not one Target, Not one Best Buy nor Kohls nor KMart nor Macy's nor Sears nor JCPenneys. I did make a couple of stops at StuffMart (aka WalMart).
All of my shopping was done via the internet. I didn't have to wait in line. I didn't even pay shipping costs in most cases shopping on sites which offered free shipping for the holidays. The few items that I did purchase in the stores were purchased several months ago and stashed away, hidden in the house from snooping little eyes.

I agree, I'd much rather watch Olivia then go to a mall. What's with all that dental floss?!
I like to do a little Christmas shopping in the stores - I like to meander through the decorations and see what I can't live without. I do think I'll do a lot more on line as time goes by, it saves a lot of wear and tear on this old body!
AMEN!! I thought you were going to say that you made all your gifts...
OK,i think you have the cutest kid in the world! (kaymac)
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