This afternoon, I put the final crocheted stitches into the last lap robe which many of you know I've been crocheting (along with several other women from our church) for the residents of our local nursing home.

I've prayed for each resident who will receive these gifts....that if they don't already have a relationship with Jesus, that they will come to a saving knowledge of Him and His great love!
how beautiful, in every way.
Dear Heavenly Father, bless these hands that have made these gifts. Let the person who receives it experience a greater warmth then just from the blanket, may they be warmed by the love of the person who made it and even more from your love. I pray that if they haven't accepted You as their Savior, that these blankets would provide the opportunity for someone to tell them of Your love and that they would accept your gift into their hearts. I pray that this would truly be THEIR Christmas! In Jesus name..amen.
What a great gift and to bless each with a prayer for the intended receiver ... nice going!
that is awsome
My career was social work w/ nursing homes...I know those residents will be so grateful and blessed to recieve your gifts! (kaymac)
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