For awhile
I was painting
these tiny paintings
and offering them
for sale.
Someone on Ebay
was buying them
and decorating
Dollhouses with my works.
Somewhere...in somebody's
Dollhouse...I'll be famous
when I die.
This one was approximately
3" in length. A Watercolor.
My watercolors are packed
in the garage - still - after living here in this new house
for almost two years. Half of my studio is still packed
in the garage. I'm thinking of asking Marilyn to come
over and help me unpack.....
Deb, Thanks for the nice comment you left on my blog. I know exactly how you feel about somedays feeling like you just can't do it -- especially with a three year old. I felt that way from about 6 months until just before he turned 4. Now I feel it once in awhile -- but much less often.
I love your blog and your artwork! I'll definitely be back to visit.
Deb: Not a problem-happy to help you unpack-if you show me your artwork I'll cache my way over. However you should know I demand payment in Chocolate Chip Cookies and since you've posted photos I KNOW you have the resources. Many of my friends know I work for chocolate-dark chocolate is my mostest favorite. Yes I know that is not a real word-artistic license in play here. Your Blog is the best as is your artwork-glad you share it from time to time.
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