Mrs. Mac, you will be proud to know that I have read four books in the last two weeks. COVER to COVER! ...And I'm halfway through number five! With my computer sick with a virus, it was trying my patience too much to wait for pages to load, so I didn't. Instead, I picked up a book. And now I can't seem to stop reading. I've rediscovered that joy!

When I was younger, I was a voracious reader. Stemming, I believe, from the time my Mom took me to the public library to get my very own library card as a "reward" for going to the eye doctor without screaming in fear over those monstrous-looking lens-fitting machines! I mean, come on, what little kid wouldn't be scared to see this multi-eyed monster coming at her?!
Little did I know then that Mom was getting herself off the hook - library cards are free. Borrowing I was thrilled and Mom and Dad didn't have to fork out any big bucks to buy me some toy as a reward.
Recently, I tried the same tactic on Olivia. She told me that she didn't need her own library card because I have one and she always uses mine. Instead, she wanted to go to The Dollar Store! oy-vey!
She does, however, share my love of reading and reads often - to Brillo Man and myself, to Grandma, to anyone who will listen! I caught her reading to Bentley the other day. I'm not sure he was getting it, though he did have a smile on his face!
Books I've read in the last two weeks:
Mistaken Identity by Don and Susie Van Ryn and Newll, Colleen and Whitney Cerak, with Mark Tabb. This book is the true story of two Christian families both of which had daughters who were in a very serious accident. One survived. One did not. However, the one who survived was mistaken for the one who didn't. For five weeks, the Van Ryn family believed the person whom they were helping to care for in the hospital was their beloved daughter, Laura. It wasn't until she was able to speak and write her name that they learned the shocking truth. And the family who buried their daughter, Whitney, discovered that they didn't really bury her...she was alive. This book was very good - showed two families who live with a fierce faith in the Lord. I highly recommend this book!
The Penny (a novel) by Joyce Meyer and Deborah Bedford. This book is the story of a girl who was abused by her father and I can't help but feel that Joyce may have put a lot of her own experience into this novel. Despite the sadness, it has a happy ending.
Mr. Monk and the Blue Flu by Lee Goldberg. If you enjoy the television show, you'll enjoy the book. Although I think that the show is better. I needed something light and funny after the serious heart-wrenching subjects of the previous two - this book fit the bill.
You Know You Should Be Glad by Bob Greene. (no, not Oprah's fitness guru...the Chicago Times columnist) This book is non-fiction - a story of the author and his five closest friends and the journey they take together as one learns he's dying of cancer. Very touching - highly recommended!) Another emotional read by a wonderful story-teller. I'll be reading more by Mr. Greene.
Vanishing Acts by Jodi Picoult. A novel about a woman who discovers, when the police show up with an arrest warrant, that her father kidnapped her from her mother at the age of four. He had told her that her mother had died. Truth is...her mother spent 28 years looking for her. I'm about halfway done with this one and it's hard to put it down! (I've just discovered this author and I love her writing! And since I purchased five of her books on Ebay, I have the remaining four lined up to read next!)
Also on my list is one recommended by Connie: Sunk Without a Sound - true story of a couple lost while rafting on their honeymoon. And one recommened by Pat: Miss Julia Speaks Her Mind
Gotta go...the pages are calling my name!!
They said to him,
"Sit down, please,
and read it to us.
-Jeremiah 36:15
Sounds like you made good use of your time. I just went to the thrift store a bought a bag full of books to take to the cottage next week. They were five for a dollar..can't beat it!
I just finished a Jodi Picoult book, "Perfect Match". I got it from Sara's garage library! I think you'd really like that one too.
Thanks for the recomdations...they really help when book shopping!
I read Vanishing Act and Mistaken Identity. Both good. I have read a lot of Jodi Picoult's books and have liked them all. Her newest one (Handle With Care) is really good. You should read that one. I put some of the others you mentioned on my list of things I want to read next.
I used to enjoy reading so much, but have gotten away from it. While taking care of Terry, it just seemed there was no time for it. Now, everything I seem interested in has to do with recovering from my grief.
I am so looking forward to the day when I will feel like actually enjoying life again and beginning to enjoy some of the things which once brought me so much contentment.
I loved your post.
Many hugs............
hi deb...what a lot of books you have read.
i think that the book i would love to read is the mistaken identity. it sounds so interesting!
sounds like a book that you wouldn't be able to put down once you have picked it up..
deb you must have done so well when it came to book reports at school.
these reviews are really good.
they don't reveal everything....they tell a person just enough to wet the book reading appetite!
glad to read this post and always happy to read your verses at the end of your posts that goes so terry
ps never you mind about that bentley.
trish's and my favourite little doggie understands a whole lot more than his mama gives him credit for.
olivia knows!
Glad to see you're enjoying your reading as of late! I too am a voracious reader! I try and average a book a month! I see Jodi Picault's books everywhere and have heard she's very good. I should give her a try. I'm not into fiction as much as fact or biograpies.
I buy my books used which makes sense for someone like me. If it's a book I'm uncertain about or am curious about, I'll check it our from the library and then I can always buy it down the road. I did this with my first Theodore Roosevelt book (The rise of Theodore Roosevelt by Edmund Morris).
I'm curious what you think about the Glen and Bessie Hyde book? The author and his wife recreated their raft trip down the Colorado as best as they could given the changes that exist now with dams along the river. In it he tries to explain what he thinks happened to them. I'll admit, I cared less about him and his wife's segments, totally caught up in the Hyde story.
Another good read (for me)was "Ada Blackjack". It's her story of being the only survivor of the Wrangell Island Expedition in the Arctic in 1921.
I love reading! i just finished a book called 'don't let me go' you can win it on my blog!
And while you have this time 'off' from your computer... where is my stuff?
I will have to make a list and head to the library. Since warm weather has arrived, it's time to head out to the back porch swing...with a book!
They all look good. Thanks for the reviews. NOTHING like a good book!
I have only read Mercy Me and My Sisters Keeper by Jodi Picoult. Both very good books. I just saw in a preview today that My Sisters Keeper is now made into a movie. I dont remember when it comes out though.
I love to read and typically have two or three books going at once....but is not the case at the present time....I hope to get back into the reading swing by summer....
I used to read voraciously myself but haven't done so in quite some time...since Jada came to live at my house come to think of it. :) Now that girl loves to read and I'm so happy...none of my kids really cared for it but she loves it...reads to everything like Olivia..dogs, dolls etc. :)
I have recently discovered Jodi Picoult too. she is a fascinating writer if not always uplifting subjects.
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The one upside to all those stupid computer viruses out there - to get people back to reading.
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