Two weeks ago, I called my pharmacy to order another month's supply of Copaxone, the drug that I inject daily for MS. Lo and behold, the request was denied by my insurance company. ?!? Since one month's supply of this medication cost over $3,700.00 there is obviously no way that I'm paying out of pocket for this drug.

...well, apparently, if I'm on Medicare Part A then Tricare (Brillo Man's retired military benefit health insurance) requires that I have Medicare Part B. I dropped part B when I went back to work because I was no longer on disability - therefore, I thought I didn't need it. Not.
Okay - so let me get back on Medicare Part B - what's the premium?, I'll pay it.
Can't do that - the open enrollment period isn't until January and even then the coverage won't take effect until July!
Okay - then let me withdraw from Part A. Can't do that either - it will stay on my record for at least two years (is this like a misdemeanor or something??!?!!) and if I voluntarily withdraw in the meantime then I will be required to PAY BACK to Medicare EVERYTHING for which they have paid since I originally went on disability (and Medicare) in 1996!!!! You've got to be kidding me!!! Nope.
Okay - there has GOT to be something that can be done here....
In the meantime, Brillo Man is livid and on the phone with a Tricare representative - ranting about how he served our country faithfully and how he expects that our government, in return, will take care of his family. At which point the representative reminded him that "Tricare is not health insurance, it's a government run health plan." (DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED!!!)
So - for the first time in my life, I currently have no health insurance. Great.
My medications alone would cost me $4000 per month. ....enter Giant Eagle Pharmacy - They just started a $4 prescription plan... blood pressure medicine will qualify. Now I just have to figure out how to get my Copaxone.
I called the Allegheny Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS) --is there anything they can do to help?
They sent an email with a whole bunch of links to services - but I don't qualify for any of them.... okay... I just wait. Lord, this one is all yours....
Two days later I received a call from someone at the NMSS. There is someone who has a 30-day supply of's the number...give her a call.
I got on the phone and talked to Shirley - the most precious woman. She said that the medication belonged to her son who in addition to MS is suffering from terminal cancer. He has refused all medications and she doesn't want this supply to go to waste. Because we lived two hours apart, Shirley overnighted the medication to me and is refusing to allow me to reimburse her for the postage. She's an angel in disguise.
God is good - He has met my need - and I'm believing that I will have no need for any health insurance until we get this whole insurance mess straightened out. (By the way, someone at the Social Security office is now working to "push through" my enrollment since I went and paid the premium for Medicare Part should go into effect within the next few weeks and I won't have to wait until next July!)
Just when you think that it can't be fixed...God fixes it.
Please pray for Shirley and her son, Ken as he faces a huge battle ahead. God is able!
What a "God" story, and why do I keep being so amazed every time He blesses like this?
Don't even get ME started on Government run health programs either...right now, I just want to praise the Lord for taking care of you!!
There is no disguise. Shirley IS an angel sent from God. TRICARE should still be a second payor, even when one has Medicare.
If you want, you can send me the details separately and I'll have someone here look at it all.
I have been to death's door and back on TRICARE, but have almost no experience with Medicare [other than with my mom].
I DO, however, have experience with PRAYER, and will be do that for you!!
Wow! What a story is right! Amazing provision of God. We'll be praying for everything else to work out.
"Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for me?"
Jer. 32:27
Sometimes God gives me a swift kick in my butt with this scripture! Maybe one day, I'll remember this BEFORE I start stressing out over life!
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