So - here is my first word and what I have to say about it!
Music takes up a huge space in my heart. I wish I could say it takes up a huge space in my life but that's not the case any more. It all started when I was a kid. I took piano lessons for a few years - not nearly long enough. And I regret that I didn't stick with it and play longer because these days I do more 'plunking' than playing and I don't even do that enough. Our piano sits in the living room with more dust on the keys than fingers. I've threatened to find a teacher for Olivia --someday I will do just that.
I also play the guitar although not very well and I don't know many chords and find that it's far easier to slap a capo on the strings and change the key so that I can play the song in the chords I do know and still be able to sing in a range in which I'm comfortable rather than learn more chords. I think I know about five or six of them. Huge repetoire, huh? But it was enough to play every Girl Scout song known to man (and girl!) around the campfire. I spent a lot of hours playing and singing around many, many campfires. Good times!

Since then, I have been privileged and honored to be part of the Praise Teams at two churches which I've attended in the past. I've been asked to sing more "specials" than I can count. And it's been such a blessing to be able to sing for the Lord!
These days, I'm no longer on a Praise Team as my church has no need for a new member. So my singing for the Lord is done mostly within the solitude of my van. I pop in a CD or turn on the radio and off I go down the road - singing at the top of my lungs - praising my God! An audience of One. That's the best!
Tune in tomorrow when I'll share my thoughts on Word #2.
I will sing and make music with all my soul.
-Psalm 108:1
Nope, there's no way I could have written anything as good as this! What a great take on the "5 Words" a day! Why didn't I think of that?
You are so blessed to have a voice that doesn't make people cover their ears...which has been my experience. If I had a great voice, I'd never shut up, which is probably why God chose not to give me one!
Can't wait till word #2!
I always wished I could play music. On my mother's side of the family, my Grandparent (My Omi & Opi) believed that there was a curse attached to playing music. Opi's father had been a musician and on 2 separate occasion while he was playing music, his children died. According to Omi however, it skipped every other generation. (How she knew this, I haven't a clue!) So while my mother wasn't allowed to play, I could have. My son who actually DOES have musical talent, shouldn't by all rights! Whatever! My mother however, went out about 15 years ago and bought herself a piano and began taking lessons. She had been denied as a child and had always wanted to play. She's still with us!
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