Olivia took this one of us - late one night outside Petrizzo's Italian Restaurant where ten minutes prior we had stuffed ourselves with pasta.

Olivia doing her best "Statue of LiVerty" immitation. Note - she says 'Liverty', not 'Liberty' - There's no changing her mind on this one.

Olivia and I with Lady Liberty in the background.

More of she and I at the Statue.

The view on our way to Ellis Island.

Olivia pointing to her great-great-grandparents' names on The Wall of Remembrance.

My great grandparents: Anthony and Adeline Mandaro Sorbo

Brillo Man and Olivia goofing off at the base of The Statue of Liberty.

Another Statue shot.

Brillo Man and Olivia after seeing The Lion King on Broadway.

Olivia hugging her "I 'heart' NY" bear. (Which you can't see because she has her hand in front of the bear's belly.)

Brillo Man on location for the cover shoot of "GQ" magazine. Ritter's Cider Mill - hay barn.

(he) would be asleep and at rest.
-Job 3:13
love the pictures, you're beautiful!
Awesome. You are blessed with a wonderful family. I don't think you look frumpy in the least. You look great! I'm glad you had a great time!!
Frumpy my eye! You look great! I love the picture of just you and Brillo Man, Olivia is a good photographer.
I've always wanted to see NY, and go to all those places in your pictures. I'll just live it through your photos.
My grandparents all came though Ellis Island - that must have been quite a feeling for you to see it.
You're a beautiful family!!
thanks for taking your readers along on your trip via the pictures, Deb.
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