No....not my age, but rather the number of socks that are presently on the floor next to my side of the bed.
What's even more ridiculous than having 55 socks on the floor next to my bed is that NONE OF THEM MATCH to make a pair!
In my dresser - another DRAWER FULL OF MISMATCHED SOCKS!
In my closet - TWO pull-out closet organizer baskets FULL of socks.
At the foot of my bed - a small laundry basket full of socks.
In my garage / studio / catch-all space - a large Rubbermaid container FULL of socks.
90% of them do not match another.
I have socks from as far back as high school. Tube socks with the number '78' printed on the side, just under the green stripes. Tube socks. They don't even MAKE tube socks anymore.
After spending five minutes sorting through the pile at the side of my bed and not finding two that matched, I decided that I was going to head to Wal-Mart to buy MORE SOCKS! The only reason I did not was because I called my friend, Dawna, and told her that I was coming over - I was in the middle of a sock crisis - "I'll tell you more when I get there"....
Dawna is just so sweet --she told me that if properly cut and dissected, all of my socks could be crocheted into tote bags, then gave me the pattern to crochet said bags. Then she took off her shoes and modeled her own fabulous socks and instructed me on where to buy them. Six pair for $7.50 at StuffMart (a.k.a. WalMart).
I love it! I'm going to go get some really, soft, comfy, arch-supportive, non-binding socks....and my friend loves me just the way I am...socks and all!
P.S. Don't ask Brillo Man what HE thinks about all my socks!
And if Dawna actually believes that I'm going to CUT UP my precious stash of mismatched socks and turn them into totebags??!?!?!....She's got another thought coming!
That would be so silly to make them into tote bags....we all know that Sara is waiting for a sock monkey!
Deb, I am going to get a bunch of us together and do a sock intervention. I'll ok it with Randy first but somehow I think he'll say yes. We'll sit you down and spread the socks before you and you are allowed to keep only one tote full of socks. That's all. All the rest will be equally divided to be used for sock monkeys and my wonderful useful tote bags. It's been a long time coming, dear friend...you've left us no choice.
I think you need some psych intervention from sara. That's after she's allowed to choose the best socks for her monkeys ;) Erma Bombeck (God rest her soul) wrote a funny piece once about mismatched socks ... hey, I got the book in the mail Friday ... ready to read?
With today's styles, why not just wear them mis-matched? And offer an award of some sort to the first person who notices and is brave enough to say something to ya? You could start something BIG here!
you make me laugh out loud!
They are good for dusting!!
Oh no not more socks. I though there was enough when we moved from Lincoln Ave to Edgewood....I think the tote bags and sock monkeys would be kinda fun.
Where do they go? I have about 20 mismatched socks that I leave in the bottom of my laundry basket. Just knowing the others will one day reappear...hasn't happened, but I just can't throw them out.
Sock it to me, baby!
I know someone I used to work with who always wore mismatched socks---she said she chose her socks by texture, not color! You could try that........
Ok so I knew there were lots of socks when we moved from Lincoln Ave to Edgewood Ave but by the sounds of it they have multiplied. Yeiks!
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