To be used of show someone the way...
I long so much to feel the touch of His consuming fire...
To be used of my desire...
Anyone remember that song? I'm dating myself here....that's an oldie but goodie.
Here's what I know: I am blessed to be working in the position in which I'm working. Last evening, on my way up to the lab, I had to pass the ER. There sat my pastor. I just looked at him and asked him how and what and for whom should I pray. Turns out that a little boy - age three - had come to church with a huge bruise on the side of his head --they felt they needed to have the situation investigated. Which explains why the police car was parked next to me in the church parking lot while I was leaving... I prayed all night for the the little boy and for the father and for the truth to come out and for resolution and peace...etc.
Then...three hours later, I was called to the ER to draw a legal alcohol level. (Usually our lab assistants draw all the blood - but with a 'legal', in order to eliminate a long chain of command should we be subpoenaed to court, only one of us would have to attend.) When I walked into the exam room, there lay a young person from our church. She had been driving drunk - and had an accident. She was on a back board - with a neck brace - and when she saw me, she started to cry. I was able to pray with her and remind her that God loves us even when we make mistakes - that His love is unconditional - His arms are always open. When her aunt arrived minutes later (also a friend of mine), I was able to comfort her. And later, when I found out that instead of sending her home - which had been the original plan, she would have have to have surgery on a broken bone --I was able to pray some more.
God is good. He has placed me strategically in a place where I can do what I love to do most - pray for others. A dear friend (some of you remember, Dawna) recently told me how touched she was when I said that I pray over people's tubes of blood when I hold them in my hands - especially if it's someone I know. To me -it's no big deal. I just follow God's lead and thank Him for the opportunity to be used. It's actually very humbling to think that He would choose to use me. Me. I'm no one special and certainly undeserving of this honor.
I give Him praise - for His goodness - and for making me a blessing!

-Genesis 12:2
Just like Esther - you were placed there for such a time as this! Praise God for His wisdom in having a prayer warrior like you in a strategic place.
I think that might just erase all doubt whether or not you should be working. You have much to offer, and you are being obedient and because of that, lives are being touched.
As for that's one of my favorites. It's an old Doris Akers song, and I used to attend the church where she led the choir. Those are some of the most precious days in my memory.
Thank you for sharing this. It just reminds me of how God uses us in what we do even if we are not aware of it. And what a blessing for you to see how He used you!!!
Doing the work of the Father, Deb. The greatest work ... praying over tubes of blood, now that is a creative ministry. He put you exactly where He needs you. And you acknowledge His presence. Awesome!
I'm afraid we're about at the 'tipping point' in our nation (perhaps no longer one nation under God) ... we could be seeing part of the curse for banning Him from our public and private lives as a nation.
Thanks for the 'book tip' over at sara's and on my blog ;) Gonna check my library first ... then order a copy if it's not on the shelf.
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