Brillo Man is working really hard collecting scrap. He is now the resident expert in dumpster diving. Hey --the mortgage business is NOT good right now and as they say, 'ya gotta do what ya gotta do!' Our working loans are down - way down - and lenders are dropping like flies. On a daily basis we get emails from lenders saying that they're no longer in the business of funding loans. In fact, Countrywide's subsidiaries went out of business and Countrywide had to borrow money. They're one of the biggest lenders - number three as far as dollar amount loan funding is concerned.
So...ya Got Junk? Or as I prefer to say, "Got Junque?" --that spelling is oh so much more...Je ne sais quoi!

One side is engraved "Alice" and the other "1887". Needless to say. We will NOT be scrapping this piece of metal! (you can click on the photo if you REALLY want to see the detail!)
Until the mortgage business improves, Brillo Man will continue with his paying job and I will create and sell my art!
Here are my latest card designs. When the finished cards are completed, they'll be listed on my etsy site. Stay tuned for more! I've got the creative "bug" now!

In answer to your question, "Got Junk?"....YES, I got junk! If I lived on a state park, I'd have a gigantic yard sale. What a find Brillo Man came up with that beautiful piece of "metal". Makes you wonder why it didn't have greater value to the owner, or perhaps they just lost track of it. It's kind of sad either way you look at it.
Don't you think a picture of Big Hunks in a crystal candy dish would make a great piece of art? It would be in my favorite colors!!
oh i see how it make cards that make me want to buy them so i will spend my money and you will have my money. tricky!
Dear Debbie:
I am not commenting on Got Junk? I was reading my Guidepost and when I saw your picture I recognized you right away and was surprised. I read your article and decided to use your web sight to respond. I have never responded to a blog so I hope this reaches you.
Angie Sorbo
beautiful...going check out your site now
Angie! I would love to respond to you --no way to do so without you actually sending an email to me - since you don't have your own blog.
email me:
I wondered how many people might see me in GUIDEPOSTS...time will tell!
How dare you not tell us you were in Guideposts...or did I miss something? Last I recall, you were taking a picture....I don't remember any updates after that. Tell me more, like which issue?
Well I saw you in Guidepost yet I knew it would be there. Getting nervous now that more people are obviously reading your blogs? By the way I really like that knife yall found. Very pretty.
so i attempted to buy me a fabulous sock monkey card and i get it all done to go and then etsy or betsy or whoever she is tells me i have paypal account (i do?) and let's just put it on there and bam! the whole thing went away! well this leaves me concerned because i just got the new card i was using and any past purchases would've been on my expired card. so my question is this; did you receieve the order? and when did i open a pay pal account? i assure you that if etsy wetsy betsy is attempting to use my old card; it ain't gonna work. why do you make things so difficult for me from over there in your state park?
I apologize for Sara.
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