1. …when I pop a bag of microwave popcorn with only has five or less remaining UNPOPPED kernels….and the popcorn isn’t burnt.
2. …when I can sit through a one hour TV show and not be interrupted by my four year old wanting me to make her ‘smiley guy pancake’ talk.
3. …when I can get through an entire day without saying, “because I told you, that’s why”…
4. …when I don’t get a call from a telemarketer trying to sell me a dream vacation in Vegas…

5. …when I remember to set the timer which reminds me that it’s time to take my medicine…and then if I actually remember to take it after I’ve shut the timer off!...
6. …when I get my morning devotions in before afternoon…
7. …when Olivia allows me to get the giant clump of ear wax out of her ear…

8. …when I get something in the mail other than five offers telling me I’m eligible to refinance my mortgage at a low, low rate…
9. …when I remember to feed the fish and the dog…
10. …when I remember to feed Olivia…

12. …when I can sit through a recorded episode of 24 without falling asleep (give me a break, it’s always after midnight when we’re watching…)
13. …when I can read and reply to my email in one sitting…
14. …when I have a half decent topic for my blog (I’m not sure this is a good day!)
How do you know you’re having a good day?!
A good day is when I read a good blog like this one.
A good day is when I have even the slightest resemblance to energy.
A good day is when I do something - anything productive.
So far reading your blog is the only good thing I've done today, unless you want to count that as also being productive...which would make it two things. Hey...it's starting to be a good day, now I'm waiting for that burst of energy to kick in!
a good day is when all my blogfam blogs! don't be scared, but i think you are one of us if these things define a good day. good day!
When I am not haunted by a meatball lookalike ball of earwax.
Diddo to the Horror the horror
great blog!!
When I get to see Phyllis smile
When I get to cook
When people have new posts to their blogs (Dawna I miss you)
When I get to see 'him'
when everyone gets rid of their word verification
A good day is after nathan's bath time ... or haircut time ... or cleaning out the earwax ... or clipping his toe nails time.
A good day is when I get to sleep with only 1 or 2 times getting up at night with nathan.
A good day is when I can think of something to write about.
A good day is when i get to sleep in.
...when I pay all my bills and have something left over.
...time w/ friends.
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