It's been quite a few days since I've written a blog post.
(Not that THAT'S any great revelation. It's always been "quite a few days since I've written a blog post.)
The truth is - I have nothing to write which is worthy of a blog post.
So perhaps I should move on...
But before I do...

This is a photo of the magnolia flowers that WERE on our tree before the killer frost got them the other day. Now they're all brown and wilted and pitiful.
I said to Brillo Man last night, "Have you seen our magnolia tree? It's ruined. The frost wilted all the flowers. It's too bad. I hate it when we have a Spring like this. It happens all the time. The weather gets warm and the flowers bloom and then we get hit with a frost and everything dies."
He replied, "I see a few white blooms still."
"Yeah, well that's because those are the new buds that hadn't opened yet. But the tree, in all it's gorgeous's ruined."
And that's pretty much how the conversation ended. And then just now, as I was posting this photograph...I started to think about the love of Jesus. Just when we think all is lost, or ruined, or wilted, or destroyed....He brings new life. There are those of us, who, at times, may still refuse to see the new blooms. But then there are those who are able to say, "I see a few white blooms still."
My prayer for today is that I will look BEYOND the wilted, withered mess of things - and see the potential that my husband saw...and that GOD sees.
Have a blessed day everyone. For now, I am moving look for the white blooms...
Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
-Isaiah 43:19a (NKJV)
...the Contemporary English Version
reads this way:
I am creating something new.
There it is! Do you see it?
I see them too.
I just can see the word verification letters below.
Yes, Yes and Yes!
I can see beyond the wilted .. Good perspective from a guy named Brillo Man :) (and, of course, THE WORD)
Wow, awesome post, Deb!
The magnolia flower pic you posted is beautiful, a foretaste of heaven. In heaven, no frost will ever kill off the flowers!
But yes, Brillo Man is right. There are still a few white blooms that will delight your heart.
Thanks for the CEV quote. Loved it! That passage is one of my favorites!
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