...the bullfrogs are serenading one another...
...Bentley is snoring...
...great music is playing in the background from Diane's blog...
...Brillo Man and Olivia went to bed hours ago...
...and I am wide awake!!!
I think it may take a few days for my body to get adjusted to "normal" hours again. It's still on the midnight shift - but I'm not....(and loving it!) It was nice to cook dinner (shrimp tossed with pasta, broccoli and plenty of garlic!), spend the evening making puppets with Olivia and talking with Brillo Man while he played with Bentley...knowing that I didn't have to go to work. I think I may get used to this break from my reality. Even though it's a short-term disability leave and I'm home because I'm having issues with MS...it's still nice to not have to go in to work. Although I'll be trying to let my body rest so this MS will settle down....
And Mom, if you're reading this...I've tried to call you twice today (why aren't you answering your phone?!) to let you know that I'm taking a short-term leave from work. MS junk getting in the way of things...nothing real serious --just enough that everyone (my neurologist, my husband and myself) all agreed that I need to be home for the time being. This too shall pass!
Okay - I'm going to go attempt to get some sleep. I'll probably end up reading (from MY KINDLE!!!!! Yes, Mrs. Mac, I bought a Kindle - a used, damaged one on Ebay - for a LOT less than they are new.) Then Amazon so graciously sent me a brand new one -at NO cost - since mine was damaged!!! Yahoo! God is good! I've been reading books like crazy and don't think I'll ever go back to "real" books again. I even have my Bible on my Kindle. Love it! I'm selling my books on Amazon.com ---listed ten - sold all ten. Will soon be listing more. Gotta make some extra money so I can buy "books" for my Kindle!!
Blessings everyone! Thanks for your prayers! You guys are the best!
It looks like I am the first to comment here! I am glad to hear from you again, we were all( Scarf Sisters) beginning to wonder! I am sorry to hear that you are not up to your usual self. I can so relate in my own way! Take this time to refocus and allow God to draw you closer to Him. Sometimes we need these reminders that our lives need the calming, soothing balm that only Jesus can give!
Work is highly over rated, except for the pay check! I'm glad that you are not broken hearted about staying home...at least for a season. Enjoy your time to do those other things you love, being a mother, wife and all things creative.
I will admit I was concerned about you...you caused me to go into overtime prayer!
Concentrate on important things while you recoup...like blogging.
Congrats on your new Kindle!!
What a scheme you had with buying a damaged kindle and getting a new one to boot ;) How genius! I hope you will really, really, truly rest while you are at home. Old Medicine Woman's orders (from me). Praying that the Lord will ease up on your symptoms and give your body time to restore itself. You are in excellent hands (paws too from Bently) .. Have the Brillo Man and Miss O make you some dinner and clean up the kitchen so you can be a queen.
Hugs from where the wind blows,
Sooo glad, to see you're back...I was worried! Of course, I prayed and am praying still...like the Old Medicine Woman said...rest!!!
Enjoy being with your family and Bentley ...whom I still covet!
Have Brillo Man, whip up a pot of his famous soup...(it's sure cool enough for it here) And Ooh, you got your Kindle...the Lord is GOOD!
Dear Deb,
Sad about the MS making trouble.
Hope you allow your self to ease down as long as possible.
"When God closes a door, He opens a window," is an old saying.
I am glad you have strength to enjoy your life with the kids and this reading thing, I am not familiar with.
I love our books, cherish them like old friends.
I don't think I could possibly sell them.
Yet, my hands get worn by holding a book when I'm not well. It might be an idea to..No, I think not yet.
Nevertheless; the act of reading is the main thing.
I have been and will continue to be praying for you.
From Felisol
So sorry to hear you are not well and so happy for you that you get an opportunity to rest and relax with your family...and your new Kindle! Yay for you! Enjoy this break! Hugs! i was getting worried not hearing from you in so long!
I understand that struggle with MS issues...not a lot, but a litle....and I am glad that there are those around you to take charge and let you rest for a while......
Deb...I recognized your name immediately and was thrilled to hear from you! How awesome is our GOD to heal and restore and then bless beyond our wildest dreams! Would love to connect and I rarely go to FB as well, so how about we email...I couldn't find yours anywhere, so email me and we will catch up, keep in touch, whatever God has for a new season! blessings! and love! patti :)
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