On Friday we'll be embarking on an adventure! We fly to Florida for a week's vacation. ...praying for good weather. Brillo Man has checked and it calls for rain the whole week!!! OH NO! I'll be taking Olivia to DisneyWorld on Thursday, the 25th, to celebrate her 7th birthday. (Brillo Man has opted out as he is in so much pain from his hip which needs replaced (again) that he's not sure he's up to hiking through the parks.) Anyway...it just can't rain! Olivia has been looking forward to this trip for months!
I hope to catch up on some blogging while we're there. I'm taking the laptop. I'm fairly sure that they have free Wi-Fi access at
our resort.
I'll be praying for you all (especially you, Sara!) while I'm gone.
Bob and Sue --keep an eye on the house for us!!
Ms. O must be so anxious! What a great time you'll have, even if it does rain..and I'm praying it won't!
Have a wonderful time, take lots of pictures and tell Mickey Mouse I said hi!
I expect to see a picture of you wearing mouse ears.
Have a WONDERFUL time! Disney World is so much fun, although I haven't been there in years. I look forward to taking Madeline there one day (and her sister!).
I will be praying for you and praying that the sun shines just for you!
Have a wonderful vacation deb...Praying for NO rain on Thursday!!! Miss Olivia must be super excited...I'm sure she wants to meet all of the Princess's.
I agree with Pat...we need to see you wearing those Mouse Ears...Meeska...Mooska...Mousketeers...
Now put on those ears!!! LOL
oh that is so nice debbie!
oh a nice birthday gift for olivia!
poor brillo man should just swim and lay on the hot beach.
the sun will be good for his sore bones.
looking forward to your blogging and some good posts and pictures!
but who is looking after trish's and my doggie, sir bentley?
WHO!!..........praying for traveling safety and good weather...love terry
what a great trip!! I took phyllis when she 8, good age!
WELL? I want details! Tell me more... Hope you all had a great time. Happy Birthday Olivia!!!
Happy Birthday, Olivia. Honey, you may not realize how close we came to having to wait to see you [and your mother] in Heaven. you had a tough time coming into the world. God saved you [and your mother] for His glory. Praise God for you and your mom & dad!!! Enjoy your special day at Disney World!!!!
Ya'll have a great time! Jada's mom is taking her in August(talk about weather..its gonna be hot!) It rains everyday in FL so no worries...
happy birthday sweet olivia.
hope you are having a great time!
i think that bentley misses you..
love miss terry
Are you still at Disney World ... having a grand time with Brillo Man and Miss O.
Nathan is saving his pennies to go to Disneyland next February :) He asks each and every day for their to be 'stars' in the night sky ... and not thunder and lightning! He wants to sleep there too. Hope you can post some pics so I can show him.
Are ya' home yet Sister? Thinking of you!
I am finally feeling well enough to blog again and as I write this you are probably enjoying yourselves, rain or not!
I am desperate for a vacation! Granted I was in St Charles but that was a working vacation. When I told Dave he didn't understand what I meant until I told him that I was cooking, cleaning, baby sitting, doing laundry, running errands and so on. Kind of like everyday normal for me! THEN, he understood what I meant by "working vacation"!
I'm feeling better, almost back to normal since coming down sick with the "crud". We're actually heading back to St Charles this Friday for our annual Hopkins Birthday BBQ Reunion Bash. Along with Dave's youngest brother, we organize and execute this event every year over the 4th of July weekend. It'll be a whirlwind weekend but it'll be worth it!
happy fourth of july deb, brillo man, olivia and bentley where ever you are...love terry
are you back?? where's the photos?
WELL?! I heard there was a massive network of underground tunnels at Disney World, and hopefully, you are not stuck in them! Hope you had a great trip and a great 4th!
Waiting for your play by play of Disney World!
are we there yet deb or are we here?
god bless you and bring you back safe and sound...love terry
Hello? Are you there?
Come out come out wherever you are!
hi deb...just stopping by to say howdy.
tomorrow will be my last day of long winding on the blogs for about four weeks..
you ever heard the expression "go west young man!"??
well that is where bernie and i and the little red car will be heading friday..4:30 in the morning!!
take care..love terry
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