You see --we live on "the state park" and have no pavement anywhere - with the exception of the road - which is obviously no place for a kid to learn to ride a bike. (At least not if you're me - overprotective parent that I am...)
This past summer I should have been more diligent about taking Olivia to the community park which has a bike trail. She could've learned to ride. Problem is - there are no benches in this park on which Moms can sit and watch their kids crash their bikes. And with me needing a place to park myself and rest a lot...the no bench thing was a deterrent. So --we didn't go very often.

I rode that bike all over town. Literally. My friend and neighbor, Bobbi Jo, and I would ride everywhere. We lived on our bikes. Stopping only for an occasional round of perpetual Monopoly set up on Bobbi Jo’s front porch –the never-ending game that lasted all summer. (I used to buy as many houses and hotels as possible - as quickly as possible - and would squeal with glee when my friends landed on my properties and had to give me all their money!)
One day my Mom and I were driving past a church in our town.
“Bobbi Jo and I rode out here on our bikes.”
“No, you did not.”
“Yes, we did,”
“You couldn’t have.”
“Why not?”
“We’re more than ten miles from home.”
I was in fifth grade.
Next year, I think I’ll take Olivia to the park so she can learn to ride her bike.
Or maybe not.
and on every high hill.
-Ezekiel 34:6
My daughter was five when she learned to ride as well. While we had LOTS of sidewalks, for some reason it wasn't a priority for her. Rachel could roller blade, dance, do we knew it would happen. Then one day she decided it was "the day". She crashed so many times and was black and blue all over but wouldn't give up until she had conquered bike riding.
Have fun riding together next summer!!!
Phyllis was 9. If she's not interested, it's not a big deal.
10 miles!! in 5th grade? holy cow!!
Don't worry...both of her cousins were older than 5 when they finally learned. I think Rachel was 8 and Julia was 6. It's almost like potty training. When she's ready to learn, she'll learn. And you'll be amazed at how quickly she'll learn. Bring her to our house next summer with her bike and maybe she'll want to ride with Julia around the culdesac.
I remember the banana seat bike and am still amazed that you and Bobbi Jo rode so far on your bikes. I guess had you asked I would have said a deffinite NO!!
Not to worry. When it's her time, she will ride. She is gonna be just fine.
10 miles from home on a bike!! scary these days..but pavement isn't a necessity...actually not preferable for my kids...we taught them on moderate inclines in grassy areas..falling down doesn't hurt nearly so much..:)
Don't give it another thought - winter is here and who wants to ride in the snow. Yuck.
Hey, David is 6 and he can't ride a bike either. And, it's for much the same reasons - there's only the street and we are MUCH too overprotective!! Also, we were too lazy to take him anywhere to ride this Summer.
The banana seat was the coolest:) My best friend and I roller skated back and forth between our houses that were a mile apart several times a day. We also played Monopoly all summer in a special hide out we made in the garage. Unfortunately we always got in fights, accusing one another of cheating. (I still think she was cheating:)
Ah, memories.
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