Where do I put it?
Why do I keep it?
It just collects dust.
Things from my childhood.
Things from my past.
Things from then.
Things from now.
All in boxes.
A myriad of boxes.
Moved from house to house.
Room to room.
From the garage to the shed.
And back again and again.
And again.
Because I can't find what I need.
I know it's here somewhere.
But where?
Don't know.
Got to go out and buy another.
And then, it too, will eventually wind up in the shed.
Better to throw it away.
Give it away.
Gift it away.
Out of my life.
It's just clutter.
I don't need it.
How does that song go?
All I need is....love!
....and my myriad of boxes...
oh. help.

But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,
where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt,
and where thieves do not break through nor steal...
-Matthew 6:20
Good post Deb. I keep sorting out my 'stuff ' memories too.
At least I know who to call if I need "stuff"!
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