"Olivia, it's my turn to watch the TV, please hand me the remote."
"Olivia, I'm going to go lay down."
"Olivia, you can't have another fudgesicle."
Then she stood up and her pants fell down..."Oh, oh, I'm losing my pants!" (That was something she planned! - Brillo Man is always losing his pants!!)
It was hysterical!
It wasn't quite as funny however, when she reappeared ten minutes later dressed in MY clothes and proceeded to do the same thing!
Of course not! LOL
It's always more fun to laugh at someone else...she is such a character Deb!
That is hysterical!!!!! God is richly blessing your family! Cherish these moments!
I have a picture of my oldest daughter Jennifer dressed up in Dave's clothes holding one of his trophies. I had forgotten all about that! Thanks for making me smile!
Way to go Olivia! That is too funny.
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