As I'm typing this - it's 1:44 am. I really need to be in bed. It's been a very long day. We got up early to get an early start home. We had to stop at a couple of antique shops along the way. And we had to eat. And then there were the "I have to go to the bathroom NOW" stops. And the "I'm uncomfortable in this car seat and I need to stretch my legs" stops. And of course there was the "we better stop and get gas" stop.
Finally --we arrived home after EIGHT hours on the road. (Normally, it's a four hour trip. What's up with that?!)
When we got home, we had to watch some TV. My dear husband and I are now officially hooked on the TV show: 24. We have two more shows to watch and we will have completed the entire first season. We'll be starting season two tomorrow. (compliments of Hollywood Video) We belong to their MVP club which allows us to rent unlimited movies for a flat fee of $14.99 for the entire month. We started 24 - got hooked and now can do nothing else with our free time besides 'veg' in front of the television! Anyway...I digress...again.
Of course, we had to make popcorn to eat while watching the shows. And then we had to have something sweet to eat to 'counteract' all the salt in the popcorn so we broke out the chocolate chip cookies. I whined that all I really wanted was a turkey sandwich and we have NO leftovers because we spent Thanksgiving in New York at my in-laws. We don't even have an
emergency breast! (What's up with that?!)
Anyway...I'm back. I'm blogging. And I'll spend some time tomorrow 'catching up' on all the blog posts I've missed while I've been off visiting my relatives.
For now...it's time for me to go to bed and dream about leftover turkey sandwiches!
where else but here amongst we blod broads could one find the term "emergency breast"? welcome home sister. you and brillo man were missed. give olivia a hug from us.
i mean blog broads.
welcome home.
24 is as addictive as cocaine! Love it.
I guess I really am out of it. I don't think I've watched anything I want to watch on TV since the baby came along [who is now 5]. Well, I'm up on all the PBS shows though!
You have been missed! Hey, what's with the rat? You left us hanging on his fate...he's probably lurking around waiting for an emergency breast sandwich!
OK, go unpack, wash your travel clothes, and report back!
Love, love 24!! Can't wait til JAn fo rth enew season...:) sounds like you had a nice trip and are glad to be back!...me too..;)
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