Today I finally had had enough. I grabbed a Clorox kitchen wipe –wiped the window. Yuck. Made it worse –very streaky. Next I tried a bottle of my favorite cleaner –sprayed too much on the window –made it even worse. Now instead of looking through a few streaks, I’m trying to sort through a myriad of massive streaks. What now? I grabbed a dry paper towel –wiped the window several times. A little better –but still not streak-free. Finally, I grabbed a wet paper towel –wiped the window with plain old tap water. (Which in our case is spring-fed well water which tastes like fresh mountain spring water which we’ve threatened to use to start our own bottling company...but, I digress). Anyway....the plain water did the trick. No more streaks.
The view outside is so much nicer without the streaks. I was going somewhere with this –let me try to remember where....oh yeah, For so long, I had been content to view my world through a dirty, streaked up window. Every day –looking at life through the murk. Then I decided to clean things up a bit –I went gung ho –sprayed a whole lot of cleaning garbage on the window and wiped and wiped and wiped some more which only resulted in a bigger mess. Finally –I went for the simple solution. Water. Just plain water.
My life lately is a lot like that view from the window. For so long, I had been content to look through the gunk and the junk –thinking that what I was seeing on the other side was a magnificent view. But it was clouded by gunk and junk and, as Olivia would say, a sticky, icky, gooey, yucky, ucky, eewy mess. So –I vigorously got to the job of cleaning it –myself –with all the best cleaners on the market. Didn’t work. Made things worse. Now I have more of a mess to clean. Finally –the simple solution that was there all the time....I go for the water —the Living Water. I allow the simple healing water of the Lord to clean my window.....I can't do the cleaning myself with all the heavy-duty cleaning "stuff" that I'm sure will accomplish the task. Only God can clean the window.
Wow —what a view!

When I was a child, I spake as a child,
I understood as a child, I thought as a child:
but when I became a man, I put away
childish things. For now we see through a
glass, darkly; but then face to face: now
I know in part; but then shall I know even
as also I am known. --I Corinthians 13:11
Wow, I love this post, so true and you put it so eloquently. Thanks for sharing, I needed to hear this, and besides you reminded me I need to clean my windows.
I did a similar post earlier this year only it related to my messy tupperware cabinet. the spiritual coincidences are profound! Thanks for the reminder, now where's my Windex?
that pennsylvania water must be living water indeed; you guys are awesome.
Amen! We do tend to become adjusted to a less that clear view don't we?...and settle for so much less than He intended....
So now you're Tinkerbell...:)
great post! enjoyed it!
Tell me what you used to clean your windows because I want to see what you see when you look out your kitchen window. Your view is far nicer then mine!
"I can see clearly now the rain is gone...it's going to be a bright - bright sunshiney day"!
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