We have been saving the cardboard tubes from the toilet paper and paper towel rolls so that Olivia and I can make some 'art projects'. Yesterday, my Mom gave me a bag full of cardboard tubes which she has been saving for us. We now have TONS of cardboard tubes! This morning, before she would even eat breakfast, Olivia insisted that we make an 'art project' using a cardboard tube. In anticipation of the upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday, we made a turkey. I'm thinking that I may be able to convince Olivia to make more turkeys so that we can put one at everyone's plate for dinner on Thanksgiving Day. I thought I'd share with you her masterpiece ---in case any of you have children and need an idea for a Thanksgiving craft....
Art before breakfast!! now you are an artistic family!
That is truly a masterpiece!! What a beautiful girl. What a blessing. From my art major friend of nearly 30 years ago comes this creative, adorable little girl. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow.
Martha Stewart would be green with envy..which I would love to see!!
I give the project 5 turkey gobble -gobbles which is equivalent to 5 stars which is equivalent to the highest turkey rating one can get!
Sara's boys made us thanksgiving crafts when then were small....now they just eat a lot!
You can also make a Christmas Tree topper. You can do an angel, star or whatever and then glue the toilet paper holder to the back and voila! A tree topper! Made one in Kindergarten, and I now have a star that Phyllis made! You can also cut them in sections, decorate them, voila! silverware holders! I used to be a GS leader :)
Cute Turkey!
Spread a few cardboard tubes with peanut butter and birdseed ... hang with yarn outside for the birds crazy enough to hang around this winter. Olivia's turkey is SUPER!
so wonderful!
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