If I suddenly became a millionaire (not that it's going to ever happen, but it's nice to dream), first --I would give a ton of money to the Lord. Then I'd probably tell my DH to buy the grass carp that he wants to buy for the pond so that they will eat down some of the weeds. (The fish cost around $700 --not a price we can afford today.) Then, of course, I'd pay all my debts and our families' debts. Then I might hire a landscaper to come and plant some really BIG, mature trees on our property in the space where there are no trees. And then I'd live off the rest of the money and relax and live life.
I would not go out and buy a boat, a plane, a summer home or a cabin in the mountains. I might splurge for a new washer and dryer --and a new handle fixture thingy for the kitchen window which has been broken for almost a year now.
The best thing I would be able to do --and would want to do would be to give back to the Lord and to help my relatives. The rest is gravy.
I think by writing this little essay that I've proven to the Lord that by Him blessing me with scads of money, I would not turn into a money-hungry, greedy, beady-eyed weasel. Therefore, I think He should open up those windows of heaven and pour out that blessing - in the form of money, of course, What do you think?
it would be nice. i have no idea what i'd do with it! prob give most to the Lord!
I think that if you told the Lord you would also buy Pat a house far from her noisy neighbors that he would listen more intently. Try it, and let me know what He says. I'll start packing.
Too funny! Of course you've proven you would be a wise steward...so what's the hold up? I don't think I would be helping my relatives all that much unless my kids count as relatives...and I would definitely buy that cabin in the mountains....and a stretch of beach in Albania...and some new furniture and of course pay off all my debt...maybe that explains why I haven't been so blessed yet either! it all about ME!
Keep dreaming, sweetie, at least that's free!!!!!
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