By the way....don't think for a moment that ANY of the above questions are asked based on personal experience or desire....However, remind me to tell you about the time, as a Fine Arts major in college (before I changed my major to Medical Technology as a Junior and had to start ALL OVER AGAIN because NOTHING transfers from Art to Med. Tech)....that I actually considered creating an "Art Happening" where one could walk into a room and the walls would all be completely covered in fake zits for you to pop).
I'm going to end this post now before I chicken out and hit the "delete" key. I'm thinking that this is NOT the "insight into my life" that birminghamgirl wants to know when she asked us to tell a little more about ourselves....

hmmm. i don't mind the pit/leg shaving but then again i don't have that much hair. i'm sure as a child i left boogers in inappropriate places. zits should be popped, for goodness sake. why would a person protect a sac of puss? what else were we talking about?
oh yeah, no secret stash, i eat it right out in the open. yes, de-bra immediately.
Yet another reason why I get so upset when people misspell my name and write “Debra” instead of “Deborah”. “Debra” has always reminded me of some type of boob-restraining apparatus.
Very hairless pits and legs, so I pass on that one.
I'm sure my nose contents have landed where no man should go.
Yes/No on the junk food stash, I usually eat it before I'm able to hide it.
Love to de-bra, but not as much as before the reduction.
Like #1 I'm not very zitty, but when they are staring at me ~ their begging to be popped
you guys have grossed me out... i got puke just waiting to spew!
I'm going back to reading about Sara's great childhood
Oh lord! What a post! and what a bunch of questions....
I don't mind the shacing, no junk stashes at my house, I've been known to sleep in my bra (long ago when the sheer weight kept me form de-bra-ing..I'm used to it, gotta get at those zits...ans as for the tissue issue...I'm sure I have sometime looog ago in my secret past...I dont' think you shoudl be skipping apparently has a strange effect on you...:)
PS youre right, nothing transfers from art to daughter has minors in theater and criminal justice and a major in chemistry...whew!
I'm begging you sister, post a new blog.
My prim and proper grandmother had the right idea ... no bra (just a pretty full slip ... no undies either ... just form fitting girdles ;) Never wore pants ... couldn't stand the feel of all that fabric "bunched up between her legs" (lol ... her words not mine), I'll gladly live here and shave, I don't think those other countries use deodorant either (phew)! Zits ... pop only if they're begging to be popped ... otherwise leave them along until they ripen ... and boogies ... only under the table up until the age of six or seven then a tissue is a must.
I'm a man so my #1 and #4 won't apply. But as you can expect for #2 my answer would have to be an emphatic yes, everywhere, under desks, in between couch cushions, under the car seat, basically anywhere that is halfway hidden. Although sometimes I just wipe them on a piece of paper at my desk and accidentally forget and walk away, later seeing it and wondering whom else has seen it. As for #3, I sometimes stash junk food for later that night, then eat it when my wife goes to bed. But I never hide it for a long time (I would probably forget it!).
#5 Is a big yes too. There is something cool about the POP and the thrill of the stuff shooting onto your fingernail! I even have this one place at the base of my neck that is not really a zit, but I can squeeze it like a zit about once every month or two and it has the sweetest smell. I look forward to when it fills up so I can pop it and smell it.
Sorry so gross, but you asked!
Deb who?
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