And I hurt right along with her. For the past few days, I have been going through the motions of putting on a happy face. Doing my best to smile and go along as if nothing is wrong. This has been especially difficult around our church family. Our church is a group of very loving people....and I can anticipate the hurt that they will feel if this offense is made known to them.
I care very much for her husband --and I too, feel betrayed to an extent --although obviously nowhere near to the extent that my friend feels.
Why is it that we have managed to treat sin in our lives so flippantly? I'm sure that her husband never in a million years thought that he could possibly be caught and just went on his merry way committing this sin over and over again with no fear of retribution. Perhaps with the attitude of "what she doesn't know won't hurt her."
Sin hurts. It hurts the sinner. And it hurts everyone around the sinner. It hurts family, friends, the church body. And most importantly --it grieves the heart of God.
There is no sin too great or too dramatic or drastic that is going to cause God to love us any less. He never quits loving us. We sin - He still loves us. Our responsibility as Christians is to be Christ-like....therefore....it is my responsibility to say that I must forgive this person.
I have been praying continually that the Lord will heal this marriage...that my friend's husband will realize the impact that he has had on his wife--that he has broken her heart. I'm praying that he will repent of all his wrongdoing. Repent --turn away from --don't ever do it again --walk away and don't look back. I know it's possible. There is so much potential for this man to become the man of God that God intended. He has a good heart...just misdirected.
May I realize that each time I choose to make a wrong choice - to sin - that I will consider how it will affect not only me --but all those around me.
Lord, help me to be holy, as You are holy.
Amen, what a great friend you are, and Christ-like as well.
Praying that you have the words for her when she needs them, that you be the shoulder she needs to cry on, and the vessel Christ uses over and over
You are a great friend. It is hard to see a friend that you love be in pain, you do tend to hurt right along with them.
Sorry to hear about this.
The feeling of betrayal - can cut so deeply. God's mercy and love can heal even more deeply then this feeling. I cry for you and with you both and pray for God to restore this marriage....even stronger then before. I pray for such testimony to come from the healing and that many lives would be touched and changed by it. God can turn something very ugly into something of extreme beauty...
You're such a good friend, you are blessed to be there for each other.
Amen. Plz give your friend some hugs from all of us. We will be praying for all of you.
I know this is an aweful time for our friend and you...I am praying for this marriage also...I have always tried to teach my kids and take the lesson to heart myself...never gamble with what you cannot afford to lose....but for the mercy and grace of God...
so thankful you are there for her...in the flesh...
What a dear sister in Christ you are to be the support your friend needs. Praying for healing.
Missing you and praying for you.
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