We got the discharge papers this morning --Randy is home from the hospital. Albeit in a very drug-induced stupor!
We're thankful that the Lord brought him through this ordeal --and trusting Him to complete the healing that He started via a total hip replacement.
I'm glad he's home and happy that I won't be spending long hours at the hospital each day. Happy that Randy is back in his "element" --albeit in a drug-induced stupor!
Olivia went to Grandma's for a few days and Mommy is having a MAJOR withdrawal from my baby girl! I've decided that being away from Olivia is as painful as watching my husband suffer.
I'll be glad when life is back to normal!
Thanks to all who are praying!!
There's no place like home, even when your in a drug induced stupor! Think of Olivia being away as a treat for her to be with grandma and and treat for you to dote on Randy. Randy will have to get his own treat!! Get well soon Randy!!
Best wishes to you and to Randy -- and give Randy plenty of fiber and gallons of water. That'll encourage him to get up and moving, if only to the bathroom and back.
Hang in there...
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