Today, on Pat's blog, she posted the lyrics to a song by Toby Mac.
Toby Mac? Pat listens to Toby Mac?

I don't own any of their CDs. Although I am familiar with some of their music, I hadn't yet heard the song that she posted.
When ‘googling’ the lyrics, hoping to find a site with an MP3 file where I could listen to the song, I found this great site where I was going to be able to download the song's ringtone to my cell phone. Cool.

Mission Impossible, Perry Mason, The Twilight Zone...(okay, anyone who knew me as a child - Mom, you know who you are - will know that I was PETRIFIED of the Twilight Zone opening where that big eyeball appeared on the screen. But, I digress. Again.)

I had so much fun clicking and listening to all the different ringtones, that it wasn’t until I read the fine print in the ‘terms of service’ agreement that I realized I had just committed Brillo Man and myself to paying an additional $30 a month in fees to be a member of all these ringtone ‘clubs’.
It turned out that it was a simple fix. All I had to do was text the word “STOP” to the companies and I could opt out of the agreement. Problem. How do I send a text message? As techno-savvy as I like to believe I am, I had never sent a text message - because they cost a whopping 15 cents each - unless you have ‘the plan’ - which we do not.

After a phone call to the cell phone customer service rep, she ‘walked’ me through the proper way to send a text message and thankfully, I was able to prevent the certain-to-be stroke that Brillo Man would have had had he opened the cell phone bill and discovered it was increased by $30, thereby sparing me much grief and him months of rehab...
I considered telephoning Pat to share all of this with her personally....but....she hates talking on the phone.....

-Acts 17:18 (taken SO out of context, it isn't even funny...)
Well geesh you could have just called me and I could have helped you with that one. hmm maybe I should send you a text just to see if you could figure out how to read it.
Focus Sister, Focus!!
You're very silly! That's a very funny story, I'm just glad you didn't call me on the phone to tell me about it! :)
What are you implying, I'm too old to listen to Toby Mac..sheeesh! Aunt Carolyn sounds like Hal - he doesn't feel any urgency to check to see if he has voice mail - or listen to it!
By the way, I don't text either - its a waste of money and time in my opinion - and it also requires use of the phone which I hate!
Oh, you can call me any time you like Deb, I do make exceptions for special people!
i love texting, next time call me!
ROFL - I STILL call it 'Little Shack in the Grassland'!!!!
One one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand......two quick breaths,
One one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand....
In case the brillomeister ever gets wind of the Mrs Text Messaging.
Important health facts to save your man.
you may live in a state park, but you are still me. admit it. now go put out that fire in your dishwasher
Dear Deb..
Thank you so much for your visit to my blog today.
I am so thankful that you are praying for my dad.
It is just so incredible how many from the "Miss Patty connection" are praying for him!
I was so surpised this morning when he called me and I think he was surprised too!
He said "I never even got dizzy this morning when I went for the paper!!
Thank you for your prayers!!..Love Terry
Oops.. I did it again!
I forgot to change back into Canadian Blogger!
One of these days I will get into the swing of understanding this computer.
As it is, it is one in the morning so I had better go to bed!!
Otherwise I would rewrite this comment..
this cracked me up...especially since my daughter and I just got new cell phones and i totally am lost trying to figure out mine.
I am SO cracking up!! This is hysterical!! I think you should call Pat just to annoy her...LOL
texting is good for certain circumstances...but the kids use it like crazy and can text in their takes me so long that I might as well drive from GA to MI or PA to chat...:)
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