So....I open up my email this morning and glance at the subject line of a 'junk' email received from Prevention Magazine: The Cherry Chocolate Cake that Melts Belly Fat! Ah...an advertisement for the Flat Belly Diet Cookbook - filled with over 200 luscious new recipes in the Flat Belly Diet Cookbook, "the only eating plan that integrates MUFAs into every meal and harnesses their newfound power to reduce belly fat....Drop up to 15 pounds the first month...Eat foods you love and never go hungry...Get a flat belly without doing a single crunch...Protect your health and ward off a host of ailments...Start losing stubborn belly fat from day one...Every recipe is packed with a special kind of fat called MUFAs (rhymes with loofahs). It stands for monounsaturated fatty acids...MUFAs are the good fats you find in foods like peanut butter, olive oil, avocados — even chocolate! And even better, this new research demonstrates that: MUFAs actually seek out stubborn belly fat and help melt it fast! Quite simply, it's the most astonishing weight loss discovery ever!"
I don't know about you, but anything with cherries and chocolate mixed into a cake sounds divine! (unless you don't like chocolate---you know who you are!) But THEN when they claim that eating this delectable dessert (and other equally delicious foods) will actually melt my belly fat?!....well, I'm on it!!
Ha. Yeah right. Call me a skeptic, but I'm thinking that the only thing that's going to melt my belly fat is eating less and exercising more. ...or maybe lying in the sun on a hot, sunny beach in the Bahamas...
....I think I'll go check on airfares....
Get me a ticket while you're at it!
And one for me too.
Count me in on an airline ticket!
That picture looks like a cake I just made. i don't think it will melt off my fat however! It was an easy recipe:
1 box Chocolate fudge cake mix
2 eggs
1 can cherry pie filling.
Mix together (batter is stiff) and bake as per box dierections. While still warm, frost with a tub of chocolate frosting.
Oh wow, really yummy!
I'm NOT endorsing the cook book - but I did drop 10 1bs of belly fat by minimizing my sugar and white flour comsumption. I switched to Stevia almost completely.
The only way a cherry chocolate cake would reduce belly fat is by stirring it 1000 strokes while you hold in your abs and jog on a treadmill.
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