No reason - other than I just can't seem to get my thoughts together for more than a few lines at a time.
I post on Facebook - only need a sentence or two there - in fact, you're limited in the number of characters that you may post in a Facebook status - so that's perfect for me when I'm having trouble putting more than a few words together at a time!
I've been reading all my friends' blogs - and lurking (taking lessons from Pat - when she's on Facebook, you never know she's there unless she suddenly pops up with a comment.) I, on the other hand, am always logged on to that page - even though most of time time I'm off doing something else. People are always trying to chat with me and I'm really not there - even though they think I am. I think perhaps I should block my chat status and become a "lurker" there too.
Nothing special happening here - spending some time working on a writing project - more on that in the future - which is another reason why I'm spending less time writing here, I guess.
I just wanted to post to say that I'm still here!
Now I'm off to StuffMart to buy some toiletries for our troops in Iraq. My dear friend Dawna's son is stationed there, working as a medic. He has requested some supplies for his comrades. If you're interested and would like to help, they're in desperate need of: Toothbrushes, Deodorant, Men's Underwear and Women's Sports Bras.
Items may be packaged and sent to: Donations Coordinator: TSgt Amanda Gross 332 EAMDS/CASF APO, AE 09315-9997
Okay --I'm off! (In more ways than one!) Oh, and that grapefruit photo has absolutely nothing to do with this post. I just liked it. ...think I'll pick up some grapefruit at StuffMart too!
That grapefruite pictures makes me want to go out and buy some, sooo bad. Maybe tomorrow.
Yes, I admit, I am a lurker. I think it's related to not wanting to talk on the phone. I think I need a 12 step program to be able to break these habits of mine!
I have even gotten lazy about commenting on blogs...shame on me.
Thank goodness tomorrow is a new day, huh?!
I think I am entering the post blog era...I still try to read yours. :)
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