Stay off the roads unless it's an emergency.
Apparently, Greenville School District thinks that school attendance warrants an emergency because even though every surrounding district (barring one) either cancelled or had a 2-hour delay, Greenville was open for business as usual.
Guess what?
I got up this morning. Looked outside. Conversed with Brillo Man who agreed that we were going to institute our own 2-hour delay. We just did not deem it safe to put Olivia on a bus (with NO seat belts) when the roads were bad and the state police were advising all to stay home. Then I went back to bed.
Ahh...sweet sleep.
Woke up two hours later -- helped Olivia get ready for school while Brillo Man went out to warm up the van. Then stood and watched as he promptly got the van stuck in eight inches of snow on top of four inches of muck and mud (leftover from last week's monsoon.) After another hour of plowing and clearing and finally getting the van out - Olivia was off to school.
Our two hour delay was now three hours.
She arrived in time for lunch. Her class was just about to leave the cafeteria and go back to class.... she stayed behind to eat and a teacher's aide was supposed to take her back to her room when she was finished, however, the aide forgot and left her behind.
Then another class showed up. Second Graders! "OH MOM! I WAS SCARED! And I had to sit there for really, really long minutes until my teacher came and told me it was time to go to gym class."
What did you do after gym class, Olivia?
We went outside for recess.
Then what?
My friend Zach slipped and fell in a huge snowy, muddy puddle and he had to go home and take a bath.
Oh, that's too bad. He went home early.
Then what did you do?
We colored one picture and then it was time to get on the bus.
...should've just kept her home.....
I believe when they tell you to "stay off the roads"....stay off the roads. That goes for church too. Some days are just intended to stay in and snuggle and maybe sneak in a nap if your lucky!
i'm with pat! i say snow day's are God's way of slowing us down. welcome 'em with open arms! someday the option of all being home together won't be an option!
Obey the State Police ... not the schools sounds correct to me. Olivia's account has given me quite a chuckle this cold snowy morning ...
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