2.) Don’t clean the paint roller by painting a “smiley guy” on the floor and then tell your daughter that soon he will be covered up by the new carpet…..4-year olds don’t take too kindly to this type of news. It was a tragic time ---many tears and sadness at the thought of losing her new friend…at least somebody is still smiling…

3.) NEVER pound the lid of the gallon of color "A" with a hammer when there is paint in the rim. Especially if you’re too close to the wall which is covered in color “B”….. (Note the photo doesn’t show the splashes ---I had to get them wiped off immediately before they dried and turned my wall into the beginnings of a Jackson Pollack painting…although his works have been known to sell for $140 million….)

Olivia probably has mild HFDD (happy face detachment disorder).
There is no known cure and it occurs in about 36% to 37% of all children under the age of five.
Occurrence after age five through age 46 is rare. Since 1994 there has been an upsurge of ARHFDD (adult recurrence happy face detachment disorder)in low to median income families generally in or around large bodies of water. Current research suggests the upsurge is a phenomenon brought about by the combination of active internet usage and large numbers of UFO sightings.
I think perhaps you could change your blog title to Debs Random Husband.
No, I will not share the spotlite with him. He can get his own blog. This is not about him, it is about me.....me me me.
Please note --all previous comments were made by my random Brillo Man husband --don't be fooled by the imposter 'deb' above. (personally, I think he as WAY too much time on his hands....)
Brillo Man IS funny!!
How can anyone (me) leave a comment after such witty banter, I feel so inadequate.
You are certainly a talented artist, and a good mother, but you may have inflicted great trauma on Ms. O. Imagine trying to go to sleep with the thought of Mr. Happy Face suffocating under carpeting! I see counseling in the future!:)
By the way, your cuticles are very nice.
Deb, I take it that "don't call me gorby" from your previous post was the brillo pad (I mean MAN too!) Now that you've ratted him out, maybe he'll be the one needing therapy :) For a minute I thougt you had some wierd stalker guy leaving you messages :) (well, maybe just weird now)
ok, i have to admit that i quite like the HFDD & ARHFDD disorders. Perhaps Sara has dealt w/ them at work and can shed additional light.
btw, your walls look awesome!
alright woman; get over here and blog!
OK, I've been patient.
Time for a new post sister!
are you ok?
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