The following occurred on May 12th. I started to draft a post that day and never got back to it. I decided it was high time to spread this good news!
...Let me tell you....
Sunday morning in church (May 12th), we had an awesome time of praise and worship. At one point my friend Judy spoke up saying that the Lord was speaking to her and saying that He wanted to do miracles. Pastor Kent grabbed that opportunity and ran with it - he asked if there were any who wanted a miracle, whether it be financial, emotional, physical, etc. Well, God knows that there are a lot of miracles that I need in my life, so I went forward. Not for any particular need - but just to be present for whatever God wanted to do in my life.
I knelt down at the altar. Mind you, I DON'T kneel - for it's not any easy task for me to rise from the floor once I'm there. Between the MS and the bad knees, I'm not as limber as I once was. But, knelt I did, as I followed the Holy Spirit's prompting.
After a wonderful time of prayer and praise and singing and fellowship around the altar with all my brothers and sisters in Christ, I managed to rise without too much difficulty. (Too much difficulty in my book means that I got up without falling down again!)
It being Mother's Day, Pastor Kent told a wonderful story about Mothers (which at this point in writing - a month later - I've seemed to have forgotten the details...) He then gave us each the most beautiful orange/peach rose which graced my table for days afterward.
After church, I came home and went to sleep because I had to work that night. Since I had a bit of a cold and sore throat, when I left for work, I wanted to stop at StuffMart to buy some lozenges to take to work to help my throat while working. The air tends to be very dry in the lab. I didn't take the time to get an electric scooter - which is what I usually do when at StuffMart. Walking around that big store is too much for me. Instead, I hurried to the pharmacy section - then hurried clear to the OTHER end of the StuffMart Super Center because that's the only end where the registers were open - then hurried clear back to the Pharmacy side because that's where I had parked my van. It wasn't until I was almost in my van that I realized that I had just taken all those steps with not one single pain in my arthritic knees! And I worked all night long with no pain in my knees. I have been dealing with arthritic pain in my knees for months - perhaps years. God had indeed given me my miracle - he healed my knees!
I met my dear friend Dawna for breakfast and even she was amazed at how I was able to keep up with her instead of doing my usual hobbling around the restaurant and parking lot! God is good!
It's now been a month --and I still have no pain in my knees! Now if I'm hobbling, it's because of MS stuff and how it affects my legs...but I'm believing that if God has taken care of one issue - He's perfectly capable (of course!) of taking care of the rest --and I'm just waiting on Him to finish the great work He has begun!
I rejoice that He cares for me and blesses me in spite of my neglect of Him. In spite of the sin in my life. In spite of all the times when I should be spending time with Him and instead am wrapped up in myself and what I think needs to be done.
He is an amazing God. One who cares about each detail of our lives. I'm thankful to be His child and amazed by His grace!
But for you who revere my name,
the sun of righteousness will rise
with healing in its wings.
-Malachi 4:2a