In church about two weeks ago, we had a guest teacher for our Wednesday evening Night For Learning (NFL) series. This gentleman had never seen me before, nor I him. At one point, he looked directly at me and spoke these words (to the entire congregation--but the Holy Spirit meant them just for me...), "You have been strategically placed where you are for an incredible purpose. God has an awesome plan to use you in ways you couldn't imagine. So, go ahead and sit there in the pew, take your time, heal, receive what it is that God has for you and then be prepared to be used by Him to accomplish mighty things for His Kingdom."

Wow. I felt the Holy Spirit's presence as he spoke those words ---so thick I could've cut it with a knife.
Tomorrow, I embark on a new adventure. I will return to the workforce after eleven years of being away. I keep telling myself that it's an adventure - with hopes of convincing myself that it's going to be just that. In all honesty - I have very mixed emotions. It means leaving Olivia for long periods of time. She won't have me there in the mornings to get her off to school....that time we spend each morning has always been so precious and it breaks my heart, even though I know she's in good hands between her sisters and her Dad...but I'm really going to miss spending those morning moments with her. And then, when school is out...there will be long days spent apart --not so bad while school is still in session. The fact is, being a stay-at-home-Mom has been one of the biggest blessings of my life and I'm going to miss it very, very much.
And I'm going to miss spending time with Brillo Man. Even if it's just sitting together in the living room, while he plays Scrabble on the computer...or me cooking him dinner, or getting him a glass of ice water...He did, after all, just break his ankle and is
supposed to be taking care of it and staying off of it...(yeah, right). But with me not here, who is going to nag him to use his walker or his crutches?
However, I also believe that my going back to work is part of God's plan for this season of my life. He opened the door and provided the job - right on time - right when it was needed. Forget the fact that I haven't looked at a white blood cell in over ten years and I'm not sure I'll remember what chromatin pattern goes with what cell and forget the fact that I can't remember if Staph. Epi. is coagulase positive or negative and forget the fact that I have no idea what the normal values of any of the liver enzymes are... In spite of it all - God has me strategically placed. There is something that He needs me to do. Some life that he needs me to impact. Some heart that needs to hear of His love.

So, I embrace this new adventure with great anticipation - knowing that I'm going to be blessed as I share His whatever way He has planned. And I'll enjoy wearing my hunter green scrubs, even though green is NOT my color, all the while being grateful that I don't have to dress in "dress up" clothes! Scrubs are so much more comfortable!
I covet your prayers....
I'll keep you posted!
The LORD will open the heavens,
the storehouse of his bounty,
to send rain on your land in season
and to bless all the work of your hands.
You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none.
-Deuteronomy 28:12