"Mom, you mean we all cheer together?"
"But I don't know the football team."
"Well, that's okay, it's just fun to show school spirit. You'll have a good time because you'll get to be all excited and make a lot of noise."
"But I don't want to cheer just because everybody else is cheering."
"Good for you Olivia. You don't have to cheer if you don't want to."
...how often do we "jump on the bandwagon" of life, or "go with the flow", or do things just because everyone else is doing it?
Today -- Be an Individual.

but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that ye may prove what is that good,
and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
-Romans 12:2
What a great post! I need to have Olivia as my ghost writer - she seems to have far more insight then I do. A little child shall lead them....
Love that picture too!
Ahhh, wonderful post!
I love it. Go Olivia! Shes definatly going to be an individual! Thats GREAT!
Go Miss O!!
She's my kind of gal! Go Olivia! Rah, rah, ... make your own music in life. She's going to go far and not be pressured by her peers (let's hope).
Deb, email at christdrivenmom@yahoo.com
good for Olivia! :) She looks very cute in the above pic with Brillo man...:)
Amen, I LOVE that !!
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