For reasons upon which I won't elaborate, Brillo Man has been working out of his office in our home all week. He has been frantically trying to 'lock in' mortgage rates for several of his clients all day. The interest rates have dropped a bit, and in order to get better rates, he's got to 'lock' them in with his lenders so that in the event that the rates rise again next week, his clients will still have the opportunity to take advantage of the lower rate.
Locking the rates requires that he fax a lock form to the lender. Brillo Man has just 'installed' a new fax machine which he brought home from the office. (because we couldn't get the one which was here to work). Since he's asked me to help him process a few loans, he hands the job over to me. Not a problem. I've got access to this fancy schmancy state-of-the-art laser fax machine.

I poured over the user's guide for the fax machine --reading it practically cover to cover --twice. All 160+ pages. Nowhere can I find a hint as to what is happening. We can't receive faxes either. Eventually, I determined that the ring pattern assigned to our fax line isn't compatible with the new fax machine. So...I get on the telephone with our phone company and ask them if they can please change the 'distinctive' ring from 'ring ring' to 'ring rrrriiiiinnnnggg ring'. They readily agreed, however, to be in compliance with the FCC and tariffs and the rules set by members of the Society for Making Our Lives Miserable, the representative informs me that we will have to add an additional fax number to our line. It's impossible to change the distinctive ring for the first number. (?!) Okay. Add the second number --for an additional $4.75 cents per month.

Oh, wait. Brillo Man glances down and sees that the phone line isn't connected to the fax machine. Kind of hard to send a signal through a line if it's not plugged in. But, ah...what relief! We've solved the problem! not. Still the machine would not send a fax.
At this point, Brillo Man is getting nervous -

I called the tech. support people again. This time, the rep. asked if the fax machine phone line was plugged directly into the wall jack. ummm...yes. Then we realized that there was an 'extension' on the line --meaning it wasn't one continuous line to the jack, but two, connected together by an adapter. Thinking that the rep. was nuts, nevertheless, we agreed to get one looonnnngggg phone line and connect the fax directly to the jack (which was in another room). The only length of line that we had which was long enough to reach from the fax machine into the other room wasn't working. No dial tone. Bad line. So now what? Plan B. Go to the store and buy more line.... nah....we're convinced that the rep. is mistaken or perhaps we're misunderstanding her or she's misunderstanding us because we do get a dial tone when we plug a phone into the line with the connector adapter attached --therefore, we know that the line is functioning.
We call the tech. support people once AGAIN. This time, the guy on the other end walks us through some of the settings. No problem --all is set correctly. He attempts to send a fax. nothing. Then he asks us if we're sure that the phone line is plugged into the fax machine. Of course we're sure --we had found it on the floor earlier and plugged it in. He kept asking, "are you sure it's plugged into the "line" connection?".....wait...there's MORE THAN ONE place to connect a phone line? Sure enough --on the back of the machine --in a different spot altogether, are two more spots for connections. One of them clearly labeled "Line". Duh.

At this point, it's way past the 5 pm deadline to lock the rates, so our only hope is to pray that the rates stay stable until Monday or Brillo Man is going to have some 'splainin' to do to his clients. Or else he will have to "eat" the difference.
Relieved that we have solved the problem....I said to Brillo Man....too bad 'we' didn't think to look at the diagram which illustrates the set-up process. Directions? Who reads directions? Not Brillo Man.

he should ask God, who gives generously to all
without finding fault, and it will be given to him.
-James 1:5
Good help is so hard to find.
Nerds, you have to love them.
oy-vey. will pray for those interested rates to stay stable until monday!
I hope Mom enjoyed this because I sure did. Know why? Cuz the same thing could have just as easily happened over here! In fact I think it has only with the DVD player - we don't have a fax machine like you people that live in a state park!
I don't know what Brillo man would do without you ~ and I don't what you'd do without his comments!
No one is buying homes here - you could take forever to find out where to plug that fax machine!
ditto to what ben,ben and yeah you just better be thankful anyone is buying where you are! its rough in some places ya know..
ha! altho i do think it was amazing that you were able to figure this all out so patiently....I would have given up much sooner.
Amazing. I am so not a person that figures these things out. I would have been right there with you. Glad you got it to work!
I love the cats, but WHERE ARE YOU?
Hope all is well in your world. :-)
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