...a few minutes after he left, I hear some commotion and scratching near the front door...and then in hobbles Brillo Man. He had walked halfway up the driveway to get into his truck - slipped on some ice - his bad hip let go and down he went. He announced --through much pain and tears, "Deb, I think I broke my leg!"
He had CRAWLED from the truck back to the house through the snow - Our driveway is 1/10 mile long - he was halfway to the road - you do the math. I just started to cry ---and pray. I only got out a few words in English --and then The Holy Spirit took over and I just prayed in my prayer language --I had no words left!

When we arrived home - Brillo Man, at this point, very discouraged, because now he can't even Scrap --which, as some of you know - is how we were attempting to keep our heads above water in this financial housing crisis. (For those who don't know - Brillo Man is a mortgage broker. Housing crisis = No mortgages = no paycheck for Brillo Man = no way for us to pay our bills = complete reliance on the Lord.) Ah --the best place to be!
Just one hour after we returned home, I answered the telephone...
"Deborah, this is Melissa at Human Resources at UPMC Horizon. I would like to offer you a position as a Medical Technologist - contingient on whether or not you pass your physical and your background check."
"Melissa, I would be VERY HAPPY to accept!"

...looks like I'm going to be out shopping for Hunter Green scrubs!
Today I went for my physical --what an experience THAT was! ...more on that in a future post!
Thanks to all of you who were praying with me regarding this job!
...Lord You are....
(sing along with me...)
My Strength
My Shield
My Portion, Deliverer
My Fortress, Strong Tower
A very present help in time of need!
and P.S. - they offered me more money than I requested on my application!