
Sunday, October 12, 2008


To all my blogging friends...

Dawna is back on the blogging scene!!! Yahoo! Wander over and say hello...

Myself and Dawna today at her surprise 50th birthday party!!
She's a friend who is as close as a sister. A heart connection - for sure!

My intercessor is my friend
as my eyes pour out tears to God...
-Job 16:20


Anonymous said...

Dear Friend who would never give up on me.

If I were to throw a party for you, I don't know there would be a place big enough to hold the ones who love you. You underestimate how loved you are. But I answered you here, cause I know the others who read your blog will agree with me. You are an awesome woman of God and I am blessed to call you friend. Always.

You rescued me. You could have said no. I know it was His will, but you could have said no. Thank you doesn't seem enough. Now smile, you know I'm right...always. Ha!!

Pat said...

What a beautiful picture of two extremely precious ladies! Glad your back Dawna - I've missed you!!

Sara said...

welcome back dawna, you've been on my heart! and what a great pic! you guys are beautiful.

Mrs. Mac said...

It's 'bout time :) ... Now I'm scooting over to visit with her.