I have been trying to think of something to post that would be worth reading.
I'm sorry to say that I can't come up with anything. My brain is fried. Since taking on the added responsibility of processing loans for Brillo Man (the mortgage broker), I find that I have very little time to myself to do the extra things I like to do --like blogging! And then, when I am able to steal away a few moments --which is rare --my brain is so fried from all that left-brain activity that I just can't think.
So --I'm left with nothing interesting to post.
The good news is our snow is almost all melted. (What was with the four inches of snow we got this past weekend? There were times when it was 'white-out' conditions. Definitely colder and more snow than we had at Christmas. And it was Easter. Figure that out.
No wearing of the Easter outfits in church on Sunday. Olivia's white sleeveless dress with an overlay of colorful butterflies just wasn't going to cut it --even with the white sweater that Grandma purchased to go with.
Anyway...that's all I have to say.
Nothing interesting.
I told you.
Get over it.
I would rather hear about your fried brain then not hear from you at all - although I do understand how busy you've been.
I do not like a white Easter - it just isn't right. Olivia's little sleeveless dress sounds so cute - post a picture of her next time she wears it - like maybe in July!
That egg looks good - I'm hungry. I'll take mine scrambled.
thanks for the compliment on my lamp and I'll look for that bunny art work, just how much does an original D.E. painting go for, should I sell a kidney?
OK, I'm over it already! Now it was just posted in our local paper that the folks in Michigan tend to wear their frilly Easter dresses even if it's freezing cold outside. You have to remember back to that nice extended autumn that you had and know that's why you're still dealing with old man winter. You're not the only one with a fried brain!
Agree w/ Pat...just good to hear how you are.
Glad you are doing ok.
I think all of us suffer once in a while (or more often) from "fried egg syndrome". I was just telling my daughter last night about what they call "chemo brain" and I was reading her the symptoms. She said that has nothing to do with chemo...it sounds like what most of us go through. It doesn't matter what you say...just say something so we know you are ok!
brrr! snow!! hey, if your hubby needs extra help with that loan processing (and if you want out..:)) my college aged daughter is a loan processor and would love some occasional work while she's in school, for pocket money you know?
It's always a little iffy with the sleeveless Easter dresses. We actually went to a sunrise service -- at 6 a.m. when it was much colder than it was later in the day. But we did the sleeveless dress with a winter coat. Wasn't cute, but it was fun.
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