Inspired by
kaymac, here are a few of my favorite things...
Watching the Great Blue Heron fish on our pond every morning.
Listening to Olivia's laughter.
Seeing Brillo Man come in from a few hours of riding the John Deere --all muddy and tired --knowing he's been outside doing one of HIS favorite things --DIGGING ANOTHER HOLE!
Playing Scrabble against the computer and winning!
Doing Crossword puzzles.
Talking on the phone to faraway friends.
Singing praise songs to my Lord!
Watching the kingfisher swoop down from his perch and grab a meal from the pond.
Listening to the doves coo.
Watching American Idol (did I say that? --it's true --I'm hooked.)
The smell of freshly cut grass (of which I haven't experienced yet this year because the mower needs new blades).
Changing from 'real' clothes into pj bottoms and a comfy, old T-shirt.
The flowers and new leaves of spring!
Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. --Song of Solomon 2:12
I too love watching the Great Blue Heron's on your state park. I wish.
I LOVE listening to the Doves coo, and also just like to look at them...they are so ..peaceful.
Great list, I bet it was hard not to have the list go on and on, aren't we blessed beyond belief?
changing from real clothes to comfy clothes ~priceless.
A lot of this focuses on birds, you know??? :) just teasing ya...I lvoe the smell of fresh mown grass too!
Deb, you are definitely my kinda sister. I can echo so many of your favorite things. Wouldn't it be nice to have a neighbor who liked to play scrabble and sip peach tea beneath the trees in our back yards. Oh, my~~~those were the good old days. selahV
we share lots of favorite things!
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