I just glanced at my Farmer’s Almanac Engagement Calendar. Today’s thought is:
Here’s what I’m thinking.....when was the last time anybody actually ever ironed something?! And please, whatever you do...don’t tell me that you’re one of these people who irons blue jeans and sheets. I don’t recall the last time I ironed anything.
I stand poised at the dryer, waiting for the timer to go off so I can quickly open the door and take out the clothes, fluff them, fold them or hang them up –so they’re as wrinkle-free as possible. And if there happens to be something that is a little wrinkled because I didn’t get to the dryer immediately upon it stopping, then I have a trick: I fold the clothes and stick them on the bottom of the pile, knowing the that weight of the clothing on the top will eventually “press” out the wrinkles and the clothing item will be wrinkle-free by the time I get around to wearing it.
So...why would I ever need to know that a sprig of lavender or rosemary under my ironing board cover will release the fragrance with the heat?! Can I get a witness?!
i iron... but not jeans, can't stand that icky white line thing!
Not preachin' to this choir sister. I iron almost daily. I just love the look of freshly ironed clothes. You probably already knew that, right?
OK ... I've ironed maybe once a month since we moved in April ... before the move I hired a nice lady friend that could use the extra $. My basket overfloweth currently :(
I iron when necessary, once a week, all the clothes at once, but if i could... no more ironing.
Amen, sister!!!!
Check out the blue short sleeve old man kinda shirt in the closet opposite yours. Bet ya didn't bottom pile that puppy....
No wait....I think that may have snuck into the mission pile....a covert search for a foster ironer.....
....what?....so now you expect me to cook, clean, do laundry AND iron your clothes?!
....dreamer...you're nothin' but a dreamer...well can you put your hands in your head...Oh No!...
;)...you're just lucky I love you!
...and besides, why would I want to "bottom pile" a "puppy"? That would be considered cruelty to animals...
Used 21ft Bass Boat .....$18,000
Ford Mini Van...........$28,000
All the wrinkled shirts you
can fit in a bag....Priceless
I am bullwinkle
Acronym: A word formed from the initial letters of a name.
PETI People for the ethical treatment of Ironing.
Deb & Bullwinkle..you two are a hoot.
I iron daily...ok, funny story that I hate to admit. I was in college, and working full time (this is my excuse!!). Quickly ironed a shirt for my husband before work, lights must have been on low, b/c when he came home, he showed me his shirt...he had walked around all day w/ an iron outline on back of his shirt. i must have left the iron in place too long.
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