- Waking at 5:00am - the house is quiet - time to spend with the Lord before Brillo Man and Olivia arise for the day.
- Getting out the door and on our way to our adventure without me having ten fits about something.
- Standing in the ticket line at Splash Lagoon...someone approaches us from behind and says that they have extra tickets which they're not using and would we like them?...saved us $140 in the admission price for four tickets!! God you are so good!
- Spending the day at Splash Lagoon with Stephanie. She drove from New York just to join us in some fun!
- Sitting in Splash Lagoon's hot tub most of the day...relief for my aching knees!
- Eating dinner at Steak n' Shake and laughing so hard that my sides hurt while listening to Brillo Man's comic relief!
- Brillo Man driving home the hour-long drive so that I could sleep in the van. I rarely am able to sleep in the van. Tonight, I was exhausted. I slept!
- Carrying home a cargo of gifts sent from my in-laws...can't wait to open them tomorrow!
- Arriving home to find that the wood stove was still smoldering and it didn't take much to get the fire going again...the house is now toasty warm!
- Donning my flannel PJs and crawling into bed for a long night's rest! (that's what's about to happen just as soon as I click "PUBLISH POST")
and comes down from the Father of lights,
with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
-James 1:17
Sounds like a perfectly wonderful day! Love the Pancake Puff Pan story! Kids!
Hello Deb,
I have been admiring your creations at ETSY.
You really do something special.
The Much pendant and the Chinese Lady (print) were favorites.
I wish you and your family a Blessed and fruitful New Year.
From Felisol
That's a wonderful list of gifts, and getting those extra tickets...WOW! What a perfect day.
Nice gifts to acknowledge Deb. I'm with you on soaking in the hot tub!
wv dipsyli (dip silly) ... now thats a funny word)
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