Robert Alan Plohr, Sr
September 2, 1936 - November 7, 1995
My Dad was a quiet man.
A man of few words.
But when he had something to say -
he always spoke with lots of wisdom
and plenty of dry wit.
He had a neat little ‘smirk’ about his expression,
and always a twinkle in his eye. Often, he would
shake his head, smile and tell me I was beyond hope
whenever I would share with him one of my
latest schemes.
He lived through more suffering than any human
should endure –but did so with nary a complaint -
always giving God the glory for the awesome place
He had on the throne of his heart. Grateful for the
second chance at life –and living it with a smile -
always ready to share with anyone who would listen
the miraculous things the Lord did
in and through his life.
Today he sings praises with heavenly choirs
and I’m sure spends much time at the feet of His Savior.
...waiting for the day when we’ll all be united again.
I miss you Dad.
And honor you today.
...until we meet again....
.....I’m still and always ‘beyond hope’.
Above all, love each other deeply.
–I Peter 4:8
thank you for sharing your dad deb. can't wait to meet him.
My minds eye can just imagine him shaking his head and smiling while his heart was filled with love.
Some wonderful day - we'll have that grand reunion - I hope my Dad's not taking his ear off in the meantime!
The Good Lord must have wanted your dad to have taken him so young. Bet you miss him so much today ... thankfully you have your memories and photographs to take you back through the years to remember fondly and with great love, your dad.
I remember your Dad well. I always thought the world of him. Praise God for the Heavenly choir in which your Dad is eternally a voice. I know how much you & your family must miss him. Thanks for sharing your Dad with us.
He looks like a cool guy! Father's Day is kinda hard. Very nice memorial, Deb.
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