My Mother's Day was wonderful!
Olivia made me a beautiful flower pot filled with candy. She also presented me with an Elmo balloon which she immediately stated should really be hers since she likes Elmo so much. Of course, she got the balloon --and the big lollipop in the center of the flower pot flower!
Brillo Man gave me a gift bag full of some of my favorite goodies and a coupon to redeem for a hanging basket of flowers. (He thought I might like to pick out my own posies.)
I was told it was "my" day and we could do whatever I wanted to do. I chose geocaching, one of my favorite ways to pass the time. After finding a few 'treasures', we went to dinner at a crowded, but worth the wait, restaurant.
The best thing was celebrating God's greatest gift to me --being a Mom to the most precious little munchkin on the planet.
I trust all you Moms had a grand day of your own. How did you celebrate?
--Proverbs 31:28a
what a fun day! what a precious munchkin!!!
Olivia is gorgeous. What a precious angel!! I had a terrifc Mother's Day. Roses from my boys, and nice cards and an MP3 player. [now to figure out what to do with it LOL] The best thing was the card David made in Sunday School. He wrote "DEER Mom,...". I will treasure it forever.
Finally - a picture of Ms. O and a new post! It was worth waiting for, and she looks like a spring time flower herself!
My family came over and we ate much and laughed more. I don't think this counts as a weight watchers week. Later on Amy, Sarah with an "H" (her Sarah as not to be confused with my Sara with no "H") and I went to see my Mom.
Can I just say about this post...
I miss yall. Glad you had such a great Mothers Day but its not over for you yet. Steph and I still have stuff for you!
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