Lyrics and notes by PJ (Pastor Jeff) follow:
Perfect Church
This is a tongue-in-cheek look at one of the biggest problems for churches today. People who get easily offended and leave every time something disagreeable happens. Many of these folks will never realize there God-given destinies because they bounce around from church to church, or give up all together. Over the years, pastors have really liked this song.
I used to be a member of a local church
I paid my tithes and attended faithfully
I was well adjusted but my bubble got busted
When I saw some things that started bugging me
Like one Sunday the worship got kinda rowdy
Then the pastor preached way on past lunch time
I had the sensation of near starvation
By the time I got through that steakhouse line
And now I’m holding out for the perfect church
Where there’s never any pressure or strife
Where the services are shorter, decent and in order
And the pastor never meddles in Your personal life
Yes now I’m holding out for the perfect church
Though I know they are few and far between
But in the meanwhile I won’t be defiled
By folks that aren’t as spiritual as me
One Sunday I offered them my services
To preach, teach, rebuke, exhort, and lead
The pastor said "guess what, we’ve got just the spot!"
The he stuck me in the two year old nursery
Well, I tried to explain my position
That my calling was to be on the platform
He smiled and disagreed, said "a servant’s heart is what you need"
So I turned around and stomped right out that door
And now I’m holding out for the perfect church
Where there’s never any pressure or strife
Where the services are shorter, decent and in order
And the pastor never meddles in Your personal life
Yes now I’m holding out for the perfect church
Though I know they are few and far between
But in the meanwhile I won’t be defiled
By folks that aren’t as spiritual as me
Words and music by Jeff Stockford
© 1987 Jeff Stockford
Hi Deb, Love these lyrics! Have you ever heard this? "If you ever find the perfect church, you'll ruin it the moment you walk in." So true.
That is a Perfect song! The man was very wise when he wrote those lyrics.
Ya ever think what makes a church imperfect...yep, us!
Thanks for sharing such a gem, it can be frustrating I'm sure for Pastors who run into this all the time.
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